RIP mark f


Hey everybody! Just thought I should let you all know that mark f died really early Friday morning. For those of you who don't know, I'm his daughter.

The last movie he watched was Marcel the Shell with Shoes On. I think he liked it. He was having great difficulty talking by that point, but when I asked it seemed like he nodded in response. I certainly cried a lot, but I was already emotional, worried about him.

I remembered he wrote this here years ago, and when I mentioned it to my mom she said, well, that's what we'll do then. If any of you want to, you can listen to some of this music to remember him.

I'm not having a funeral but after I'm cremated, I don't mind if my friends and family get together, have some food and drink and play Happy the Man's Crafty Hands, The Beatles (White Album), Björk's homogenic, Roxy Music's Country Life/Stranded, Feelies' Time for a Witness, PJ Harvey's Songs from the City, Songs from the Sea and the Smiths' Hatful of Hollow. I think that would help them, if they needed it, remember all our good times together.

If you want to delve into some of his reviews or some of his favorite movies, here's the thread he made on that topic.

Here are some photos of him:

This is one of him holding me when I was a kid that I have framed on my wall.

Here he is kissing a portrait of his mom.

Him with our cat Harold when he was a kitten, surfin' the web (likely even on movieforums!)

Last Christmas in his Christmas cracker crown.

Some goofs with my childhood best friends back in first grade.

On vacation.

A couple photos from a collage I made him several years back.

On a jungle gym.

In a tree.

On the Santa Cruz Boardwalk.

He was constantly taking photos.

Ever the moviemaker.

Opening a Christmas present with his teeth.

With one of his old best friends.

Him and my mom in a hot air balloon.

The two of us at a Dodgers game.

When I was a little baby.

Him and my mom on their wedding day.

His mom giving him a kiss on his birthday.

On a pony as a child.

I really like this gif Mr. Minio made for his most recent birthday thread, so I thought I'd share it here.

All hail the reigning Monarch of Movie Binge and Film Knowledge!

I'm really grateful that there's a place where a lot of his thoughts and writing is located that I can come back to whenever I want (as long as you don't shut down!)

I'd love it if you all could share some of your favorite memories of him in this thread.

(The edit is because I wasn't paying attention to the attachment limit. Hopefully this works and everyone can see the previously missing images!)
I always wanted to be an f.

I am so sorry for your loss.

mark f was incredibly welcoming and the social glue--always recognizing birthdays and anniversaries.

One of my favorite things about him was that I'd read reviews posted by other users (or I would post a review), and a day later those films would pop up in one of his posts.

His absence will be strongly felt here. Lots of love to you and your family as you process his loss.

Please accept my condolences.

I can’t say I knew him as well as some here may have, but like Takoma I found him an incredibly welcoming, positive presence. He will certainly be missed.

Aw, so sorry to hear this

We didn't talk a whole lot, but I always found him to be a really interesting poster, both with the massive amount of films he had seen, the extensive write-ups he wrote on them (mainly in the countdown threads), and the work he put into the Birthday/Anniversary threads.

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Thank you for posting this, Sarah. mark always made me feel like the coolest guy when he replied to my messages. My sincere condolences to you and your family. He was the MoFo we all strive to be.

One of my favorite things about him was that I'd read reviews posted by other users (or I would post a review), and a day later those films would pop up in one of his posts.
Same. I considered it a badge of honor when I'd mention a movie and it would show up on his list the next day. (Mostly because it meant I'd seen a film that he hadn't! )

I still feel like the new guy here, so I wish I'd conversed with him more. This makes me sad.
Captain's Log
My Collection

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I didn't know him well, but like Takoma mentioned, Mark always remembered people's birthdays and anniversaries. He cared about people. I'll miss seeing him around.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.

I joined the forum in 2009 and from the very start it was really apparent what a fantastic person Mark was and how great was his depth of film knowledge. He was always kind. Always level headed. Always welcoming. Always helpful. Always posting birthday and anniversary threads. Always wishing the best for everyone. I don't think there's really anybody here who didn't respect him.

I remember several years back I'd joined a Hall of Fame and was having trouble finding a usable copy of one of the nominations from a source I trusted. The online source I'd found was fuzzy and unwatchable. I tried buying a cheap DVD copy off eBay, but the disc turned out to be the wrong region code and I couldn't play it. Next thing I knew, I had a private message from Mark asking for my address so he could send me his DVD copy to watch. A few days later it appeared in my mailbox. I was stunned by his willingness to help, but that was just the kind of person he was.

I knew his health had been failing him the last few years, but I probably took it for granted that he'd still be around for awhile yet. I took it for granted that he'd still be there for me to hit up for recommendations for whatever the next forum countdown might be. I'm really deeply sorry for your loss and your family's loss, Sarah, but I'm also really sad for the huge loss his passing is to this community. He meant a lot to a lot of people, even if some of us never got the privilege to actually meet him in person. I will miss him a lot.

One of my favorite things about him was that I'd read reviews posted by other users (or I would post a review), and a day later those films would pop up in one of his posts.
I do remember sometimes when he'd ask me to look for a movie for him he'd say, there are people already reviewing it on movieforums! I've gotta watch it.

I knew his health had been failing him the last few years, but I probably took it for granted that he'd still be around for awhile yet. I took it for granted that he'd still be there for me to hit up for recommendations for whatever the next forum countdown might be. I'm really deeply sorry for your loss and your family's loss, Sarah, but I'm also really sad for the huge loss his passing is to this community. He meant a lot to a lot of people, even if some of us never got the privilege to actually meet him in person. I will miss him a lot.
Thank you Miss Vicky. This means a lot to me. I feel the same way. I definitely took for granted that I'd have more time with him too.

You ready? You look ready.
i don’t have any specific memory per se. but all my memories of our messages are ones i will cherish. he helped when i was in a dark place, so i will always appreciate that.

your family is in my thoughts

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Gosh such sad news. I was thinking about Mark lately and noticed he had been posting less than usual and I worried something might be wrong.

Thanks for remembering everyone's birthdays and anniversaries and for all that you did for us MoFos.

I am very sorry for your loss. I came here not that long ago from another forum along with a lot of other people. But your dad went out of his way to make me feel welcome. He was one of the first people to communicate with a lot of the newcomers. He posted that he spent Thanksgiving with his loved ones. That's comforting to hear. My deepest condolences.

He was the best of us.

I physically slumped when reading. Im very sorry for your loss Sarah, and thank you for telling us. If theres a heaven hes there, he brought nothing but kindness to everyone, always.

RIP Mark F my friend, you were a friend to everyone. May your happiness be eternal.

Very sad to hear this. He seemed like a great guy, and he'll be missed here. So very sorry for your loss.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Oh man. My heart goes out to everyone involved, and thank you for your post Sarah.

I didn't know Mark like you did, of course, but it should be obvious by now that he has impacted quite a few of us, even just on MoFo. I joined this forum back in 2008, when I was 16 years old and just starting to develop as a film watcher. It goes without saying that Mark was a great mentor of sorts, although to me his mentorship permeated the entire forum. Seeing that Top 100 thread you linked gave me a rush of nostalgia, and I recall back then returning to the thread consistently, usually after watching a classic, to see what Mark had to say about it.

In his honor, I'll choose Bjork's Homogenic - a favorite we both share - to listen to. On top of that, he once recommended that I watch Allegro Non Troppo, which I never actually did and always felt bad about. Assuming I can track the film down I would love to watch that, too.

Rest in peace.

The doors of wisdom are never shut. - 'Socrates'
Oh gods. My sincere condolences for your loss. I'd be lying if I said I knew him but I do know that he was universally loved on MoFos. The amount of effort he put into remembering everyone's birthdays and anniversaries and for all that he did for us. He will be greatly missed by all. R.I.P.
Did you know that BATMAN has a code word to ask SUPERMAN for help because he has trouble saying he needs help.
The word is Banana Muffin.

In his honor, I'll choose Bjork's Homogenic - a favorite we both share - to listen to. On top of that, he once recommended that I watch Allegro Non Troppo, which I never actually did and always felt bad about. Assuming I can track the film down I would love to watch that, too.
Bjork is a great choice! And I love Allegro non Troppo too. I hope you can find it!

Thank you for your kind words!