The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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Victim of The Night
Now that I'm thinking about it, there's still a movie out there that is about to shock me either by being ranked way higher than I expected based on the relative lack of chatter on this forum or is gonna shock me by being a pretty great film to miss altogether.
And another that is one of my absolute favorites of the decade I thought would come in around 50th that I think actually is gonna miss cuz there's no way it would be this high... unless...
I'm a bit on the edge of my seat about this honestly, having already lost my 1 and 2.

I'd say It's Such a Beautiful Day will still make it. Seems insanely high but people love it. Rango as a super dark horse.
I forgot about that one, but yeah. If the other Hertzfeldt film made it, certainly It's Such a Beautiful Day should be around as well.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Great pairing!

To echo other people, what a gut punch Incedies delivers, like holy shit. I've only watched it once but it was my #12, time for an overdue re watch I think.

The Lighthouse was such a wonderful insanity trip, I didn't want to keep watching but I couldn't look away either. Don't think I'll be applying for that kind of job anytime soon.

Now that I'm thinking about it, there's still a movie out there that is about to shock me either by being ranked way higher than I expected based on the relative lack of chatter on this forum or is gonna shock me by being a pretty great film to miss altogether.
And another that is one of my absolute favorites of the decade I thought would come in around 50th that I think actually is gonna miss cuz there's no way it would be this high... unless...
I'm a bit on the edge of my seat about this honestly, having already lost my 1 and 2.

The Lighthouse

I wish I could say Sicario is sick, but I didn't like it. It is, along with Incendies, my least favorite Villeneuve from what I've seen.
Oh boy, so is Arrival coming in the top 10?

The Lighthouse is...

I unequivocally accept that linguistics constitutes an entertaining pastime; still, it is inevitable to recognize the verisimilitude that an article can become ponderous should one continue to disseminate periodicals replete with polysyllabic expressions. I would not plan to forgo my involvement with my verbosity altogether, yet I shall strive to curb my predisposition toward transforming every monosyllable into an ornate expression.

What'a gobblewash. Shut yer trap, says I!

G... guys... Can I say something about The Lighthouse?


I'm sorry I have to do that but you give me no other choice...


Ah, peace and quiet at last - he... hello... MovieGal? I have two slaves for sale. Sure, two for the price of one. You know I always make great discounts!


Wha... what? You want to hear me say something about The Lighthouse?

Alright, you bore!

I see The Lighthouse like this: After 90 years, someone made a remake of Gardiens de phare (1929), the script was written by Lovecraft and Freud, and the film was shot by Nykvist... Bloody splendid work, my laddies! A lonely traveler finds himself in a place beyond his comprehension. Evil lurking in the depths of the ocean (Cthulhu & Innsmouth anyone?). Well, the fear sure has the shape of fish here, or rather a... mermaid?! Plus madness, everything happens on the border between reality and sleep - perhaps it is only a figment of his imagination?! Well, this is as Lovecraftian as it gets. A masterpiece.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I think this is the first two-fer I voted for. Incendies amazed me, and it really hurt. Those twists at the end are burned into my skull forever. But The Lighthouse was even better. Dafoe played his role flawlessly, and somehow Pattenson was better. The direction and style were mesmerizing and completely disturbing. Incendies was my number 19 and The Lighthouse was my number 3.

Old Ballot:
3. The Lighthouse
4. Endgame
8. A Separation
11. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
15. Gone Girl
18. Inside Out
19. Incendies
22. Black Swan

New Ballot:
3. The Lighthouse
4. Endgame
8. A Separation
11. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
15. Gone Girl
16. The Shape of Water
19. Inside Out
20. Incendies
21. Interstellar
24. Midnight in Paris
25. Black Swan

Seen 44/72

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
#29. The Lighthouse (2019) - I saw it when it came out. It was very promising - Black and White cinematography featuring the great Willem Dafoe. We had high hopes for this release.
Alas, it turned to be some pseudo art movie to attract the youngsters: some thrill + pinch of horror + pinch of perversion + sense of intellectuality... all what the crowd needs. It was very transparent how the investors have planned this and how some of them had the great idea to invite Dafoe to legitimate them in front of the higher class audience. Dafoe was on level as always but they forgot to invite a decent screenwriter.
Yes, the cameraman and the actors deserve three stars:
- (58/100).

Never heard #30. Incendies (2010).
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

Saw Incendies very recently and really enjoyed it. I don't mind some of the plot implausibilities because they operate so well within the film's overall theme about conflict and identity and empathy.

The Lighthouse was my #11. I find it very delightful and head-and-shoulders my favorite thing from the director.

I’m feeling oddly inspired all of a sudden and the last two list-reveals have actually made me watch them as they appeared…

Yesterday I did a long overdue rewatch on Boyhood and today I finally took on the watchlist-featured Incendies. That was some dark shit btw.

I watched Incendies for the first time recently and was underwhelmed by it. A couple powerful moments, but overall I found it slow and uninteresting. I enjoyed The Lighthouse, but it didn't make my list.

Seen: 68/72

I unequivocally accept that linguistics constitutes an entertaining pastime; still, it is inevitable to recognize the verisimilitude that an article can become ponderous should one continue to disseminate periodicals replete with polysyllabic expressions. I would not plan to forgo my involvement with my verbosity altogether, yet I shall strive to curb my predisposition toward transforming every monosyllable into an ornate expression.

I can't be the only one who read this in The Architect's voice.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I watched Toy Story 3 finally and it's a pretty good one. Got that old nostalgic feel of the earlier ones and that last 20 minutes is quite something else. It's got some real nice charm to it.

Try it in talking Gary's voice from the dream episode.

We might be thinking of different Architects.