Mission Impossible movies


Trouble with a capital "T"
LOL. Says the guy who has Commando & Mean Girls in his favorites.
Spot on! I love it when people with questionable movie taste tell other people their movie taste is wrong.

(not meaning you Stirch)

Tom Cruise is INSANE! Those scenes at the Burj in Dubai were terrifying!
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Welcome to the human race...
Spot on! I love it when people with questionable movie taste tell other people their movie taste is wrong.

(not meaning you Stirch)
Did you miss the part where I questioned the user calling "Untitled Avenger Movie" a favourite? The whole thing just screams plant to me. That is what I was questioning, but apparently that's lost on you and Stirchley.

Lol! Just a bit in shock after looking at iros top films. Very unexpected.
You ever notice how every single film in yours is on the IMDB 250?
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

This might just do nobody any good.
LOL. Says the guy who has Commando & Mean Girls in his favorites.
Mean Girls is very much top ten material.

Welcome to the human race...
Lol do you really believe he’s a plant or are you just doing your hazing/trolling of the new posters thing?
The alternative is someone who likes Marvel movies so much that they put an unreleased, untitled one in their top 10, which I suppose is possible but...why.

Mean Girls is very much top ten material.
This is a top ten that includes The Room, Troll 2, and a Resident Evil movie so I'm surprised people are apparently taking it as seriously as they are.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
It was just a bit of a shock. You’re a rather serious poster, well that’s how I see you, I thought you would take the top 10 serious. Not to mock those films though...everyone likes what they like in just surprised by it.

Good movie. I enjoyed it. Paula Patton very good. As I’m working backwards, I got some exposition about Evan’s wife, which will open out when I watch #3 in the series.

Tom Cruise was insane to do those shots on the BurjDubai.

So didn’t like either of these & bailed out quite soon.

So, in sum, I enjoyed only MI 4 & 5. And I expect to enjoy 6.

I edited this post because I finally finished re-watching this series. Next time around I will re-watch all of them in a row and see if I want to adjust my ratings.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I haven't seen the films yet (but I own a digital version of them all - and the 3rd film on DVD), however, at some point, the mission has to become not only possible but outright probable.