You don't see that anymore.


Things you remember that young people would never know about unless you told them.

One of these days soon all those empty telephone booths will be gone and the newborns of the world will never know they existed. And if they do happen to see a telephone booth they might ask you, "Daddy, what is that?"

Something I remember is movie and music order forms with stamp booklets. You'd get them in your junk mail. There would be a thick cardstock with a number of small postage stamp size rectangles. You'd pick the movie you want, pull it out of the page of stamps along the perforated lines, lick the back and then fix it in place. The forms would have a pre-addressed envelope that you'd slide it into and then you'd need another thing that is also getting phased out... a personal check issued from your bank. I remember my grandparents using these things in the 1980s and 1990s. They had them for many things including books, movies and music.

I wonder what a page of those movie stamps would go for today. These must nearly all be destroyed by now. Imagine getting an unlicked one of your favorite movie.

Bank books. When I was a kid every bank account or Certificate of Deposit had a "bank book" that you'd need to update to show accumulated interest or deposits & withdrawals. I think I still have one for an old savings account.

Phone booths, phone books, rotary phones, loopy phone cords that attack themselves, "phone sex," directory assistance" (operator, can you help me make this call...), party lines, beepers, the massive flex of having a car phone, having no idea whatsoever about who was calling you, ever (only knowing that the phone is ringing).

A system of cells interlinked
This button on the floor of the car

Playgrounds like this:

Blimey, I am Gen X and that shit looks scary to me!

Lawn Darts

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Trouble with a capital "T"
This button on the floor of the car

Playgrounds like this:

Blimey, I am Gen X and that shit looks scary to me!

Lawn Darts

Good call! The top photo looks like a 1960s Mustang?

Playgrounds like this:

Quite literally survival of the fittest.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I remember when I was in 3rd grade we had a jungle gym like the one in the photo but not quite that high. But high enough that when a girl fell off it she broke her arm....Safety? What safety?

I remember when I was in 3rd grade we had a jungle gym like the one in the photo but not quite that high. But high enough that when a girl fell off it she broke her arm....Safety? What safety?

We had one like that as well and you weren't allowed on it until you were in 4th grade. For the landing it was all crushed rock. Not pea gravel, just sharp, jagged, crushed rock. So if you didn't break something on the fall at least you lost a couple pints of blood.

Some phone boxes in the UK are now used as mini libraries or house defibrillators.
Confused. There are defibrillators inside a phone box? How does that work?

This button on the floor of the car
What is it for? I have never driven.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I can only think of things that are still around, albiet marginally, that used to be in certain places. Drug stores used to have racks of the latest Marvel and DC comic books, and family restaurants - Applebee's and Pizza Hut in particular - used to have arcade games! It's hard to believe I first played Super Mario Bros. 3 at an Applebee's. In short, the world used to be a lot more kid-friendly.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Shopping Malls use to have ashtrays. People couldn't smoke in the stores (talkin 1980s) but they could smoke in the main part of the mall.