The Videogames Tab


Anyway, finished (more or less) the DLC from The Outer Worlds. I enjoyed it more than expected, it's a fun little world they've created. A true RPG, albeit with some sub-par combat. Some of the animals you end up battling are just hysterically fast, even when you're slowing down time, which seems like a cheap way to ramp up the challenge. Still love it, though, still hoping that sequel is around the corner. Day one purchase for me, again. It already was but it's really encouraging to pick up the DLC years later and enjoy it as much as I did.


Also started Chants of Sennar. I'm already onto the second level with the annoying stealth stuff I heard so much about. It's kind of made me dread picking it back up, but I'm sure it'll be fine, so probably in the next few days.

After that, tons of options. Been finally getting through a lot of well-reviewed games over the last couple of months and I'm gonna try to keep that going throughout the winter, since I know how hard it is to do that once softball starts up again.

Might finally get to Deathloop and Dishonored 2. Absolutely spoiled for promising options right now.

A system of cells interlinked
Definitely trying Super Mario Wonder soon, heard great things.

And of course, you get to enjoy it even more, I expect. Definitely let us know if/when you end up going for BoTW and ToTK. Although maybe you played them already and I've forgotten?
We ended up with Wonder, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze and Breath of the Wild. Stelly has trouble operating the camera stick in BotW, so I have been helping her play that for the little time we have played so far. I haven't played any of the recent Zelda stuff, so I am looking forward to it! It's been a long, long time since we had a Nintendo in the house. I think SNES was the last one I owned.
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

I dig. Well, lemme know how you get on with BoTW. It's probably too soon for her, it's a tough game to get the hang of even as an adult. If you find it frustrating at first, it's definitely worth pushing through. Some of my all-time favorite game experiences from these last two titles.

A system of cells interlinked
I dig. Well, lemme know how you get on with BoTW. It's probably too soon for her, it's a tough game to get the hang of even as an adult. If you find it frustrating at first, it's definitely worth pushing through. Some of my all-time favorite game experiences from these last two titles.
Elden Ring took a lot of queues from BotW in its design sensibility, so I slid right into the vibe and beats of the game. Most certainly too much for the lil gal, but she has fun playing along and running around the world, even if she is just splashing around in a pond or something along those lines. Will report back once I make some progerss in the game.

You ready? You look ready.
still replaying LOTR: Two Towers and i don’t know why we can’t get more tieins as good as this one. only thing that sorta scratches that itch is the new Jedi games. who would have thought EA would actually return to some semblance of its youth with those games.

EDIT: this says everything i think and feel. the ‘00s were a magical time

A system of cells interlinked
I dig. Well, lemme know how you get on with BoTW. It's probably too soon for her, it's a tough game to get the hang of even as an adult. If you find it frustrating at first, it's definitely worth pushing through. Some of my all-time favorite game experiences from these last two titles.
So BotW is excellent. Really enjoying how it is sort of putting back in that warm fuzzy space that I felt when playing the old school Nintendo games. I mean really, I guess I can say that about the Switch in general. Stelly has even been playing a bit, and she managed to gallop along a road for a while up into the mountains, getting herself good and lost, and stumbling into a random village that was not the one we were supposed to be traveling to. She even fought and defeated a ChuChu all by herself! I mostly play with her as copilot, but she likes to run around and explore, as long as she doesn't have to fight most of the bad guys!

Fun game, and I have my own playthrough going, as well.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I mostly play with her as copilot, but she likes to run around and explore, as long as she doesn't have to fight most of the bad guys!
Tell Stelly, "Same, girl. Saaaame."

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
These last few months I am having to come to terms with getting older within the gaming world. I've mentioned starting a group night for Baldur's Gate III with two coworkers. I cannot keep up with them. Granted, one guy has played through the entire game 4 times to completion and a handful of attempts resetting from safe play saves. The other has at least entered the next chapter of the game beyond where I am now.

I still struggle to realize that I have action options beyond what I can see in my actions wheel (PS5 interface, btw). I do not know what maybe 1/2 of my actions do. I've used maybe 5 potions and have yet used a scroll. I seriously doubt I am using adequate gear as I never seem to have time to check stats on anything before we're onto the next thing. I've put in maybe 16-18 hours with them, which is basically my entirety of BG3 experience.

I HATE this feeling, and I hate facing the disconnects of their experiences from my one. It's so weird!

Sigh. I guess I'm mostly just going through a mid-life crisis by way of the PSN. Ignore my wallowing.

"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

A system of cells interlinked
These last few months I am having to come to terms with getting older within the gaming world...
Just last night, as I was playing some BG3, I was wondering how your campaign was going! Sorry to hear about the mismatch in playing styles. Years ago, I had a decent sized gaming group (Enough to raid in WOW), but over the years, it has dwindled down to really just myself and two other people, and for the exactly the reasons you list. In fact, we don't even have a set time to play, instead we just ping each other when we have time to game, and hopefully the other person/people are free. The guy I play BG3 with is super mellow, and we try not to hurry as we play. Evidence suggests, in that we are still on our first playthrough all these months since launch, leads me to believe we are clearly not hurrying!

Last night, I was just playing my single player campaign, as I was banished from the living room, but had no friends available to play with. I am pretty much a full act behind in that campaign, and am still constantly astonished at how differently it is playing out when compared to my multiplayer game.

How many people are you playing with? I am wondering if you are missing out on vast portions of story content due to the party being full of live players...

Lastly: I can easily see this game becoming one of my favorites of all time, as long as they third act doesn't come apart at the seams. The music, the characterizations, the writing, the tactical combat, and the excellent world building and atmosphere all combine to make something really special. I must also mention the completely astounding voice acting, which just continues to blow my mind pretty much every time I play.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Just last night, as I was playing some BG3, I was wondering how your campaign was going! Sorry to hear about the mismatch in playing styles. Years ago, I had a decent sized gaming group (Enough to raid in WOW), but over the years, it has dwindled down to really just myself and two other people, and for the exactly the reasons you list. In fact, we don't even have a set time to play, instead we just ping each other when we have time to game, and hopefully the other person/people are free. The guy I play BG3 with is super mellow, and we try not to hurry as we play. Evidence suggests, in that we are still on our first playthrough all these months since launch, leads me to believe we are clearly not hurrying!

Last night, I was just playing my single player campaign, as I was banished from the living room, but had no friends available to play with. I am pretty much a full act behind in that campaign, and am still constantly astonished at how differently it is playing out when compared to my multiplayer game.

How many people are you playing with? I am wondering if you are missing out on vast portions of story content due to the party being full of live players...

Lastly: I can easily see this game becoming one of my favorites of all time, as long as they third act doesn't come apart at the seams. The music, the characterizations, the writing, the tactical combat, and the excellent world building and atmosphere all combine to make something really special. I must also mention the completely astounding voice acting, which just continues to blow my mind pretty much every time I play.
I appreciate the level of reply there. Yeah, I was like this with World of Warcraft too, unfortunately. My aunt and her family were all pretty into WoW and got me addicted. I loved the open world questing, PVP, and battlegrounds, but had no interest in min/maxing or time to learn the raid guides. I always felt more of an anchor being pulled along than anything of DPS value. Same here, I guess!

It's just the 3 of us. One guy rolled one of the primary characters while I created a custom druid. The third guy made a custom character as well. We have most of the NPC characters in camp, but rarely change anyone out. They are discovering new things with me due to my choices in dialogue, so that's nice. Neither of them are complaining, by any means! I just feel clueless at times. Like there's a known shorthand that I'm missing?

A solo campaign would probably clear most of my unknowns up. It's just finding time. It doesn't seem the type of game I can hop into for 20 minutes and be done. I do like it though! Well, except for the walking and camera controls. >=\

I think I'm finally gonna start Baldur's Gate 3, possibly this week. Got through a lot of smaller games and I'm at the point where the ones I've been trying lately haven't been grabbing me, so it might be time.

💔🕊️Rip Michelle Trachtenberg🕊️💔
I think I'm finally gonna start Baldur's Gate 3, possibly this week. Got through a lot of smaller games and I'm at the point where the ones I've been trying lately haven't been grabbing me, so it might be time.
i was gonna get that game when i heard its was game of the year in 2023 and it kinda reminds me of the witcher but i dont know im still thinking about it

A system of cells interlinked
I think I'm finally gonna start Baldur's Gate 3, possibly this week. Got through a lot of smaller games and I'm at the point where the ones I've been trying lately haven't been grabbing me, so it might be time.
Oh, please make sure to update as you go along, as I am curious to hear how you get along with the game. I am pretty sure it is right up your alley!

It's just finding time. It doesn't seem the type of game I can hop into for 20 minutes and be done. I do like it though! Well, except for the walking and camera controls. >=\
I have jumped on to play a couple of times aiming to just play for about 30 minutes, but am inevitably sucked into the events, looking up two hours later and saying "whoops!"

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
It really is a great game. PC has wonky movement controls, IMO. Click-to-move. I'm coming from a console perspective where I'm used to one stick rotating the camera and the other moves the character, so that was awkward. I expected more how World of Warcraft used the mouse to look while using W, A, S, D to move. Console is closer to what I expected with the option to change controls to point-and-click. Console has lagged from time to time during battles as the camera jumps to each currently active character turn. Not much, but that can be disoriented, especially when inside structures as object clipping can occur or even block your view.

The rest are just knit-picks of mine. The game, overall, is pretty great.

A system of cells interlinked
It really is a great game. PC has wonky movement controls, IMO. Click-to-move. I'm coming from a console perspective where I'm used to one stick rotating the camera and the other moves the character, so that was awkward. I expected more how World of Warcraft used the mouse to look while using W, A, S, D to move. Console is closer to what I expected with the option to change controls to point-and-click. Console has lagged from time to time during battles as the camera jumps to each currently active character turn. Not much, but that can be disoriented, especially when inside structures as object clipping can occur or even block your view.

The rest are just knit-picks of mine. The game, overall, is pretty great.
Unsure if you have given it a shot, but you can change BG3 over on PC to play with a controller via radial menus. My buddy plays like this, as we are old and he has problems with his wrists that using a mouse and keys tends to aggravate. He loves the controller method, and I believe it zooms you into a more over-the-shoulder view until you go into a fight, at which point it zooms back out to the strategic angle.

Any League of Legends players here?
I'm a League of Legends player and have spent several years on it.
What's really cool about LoL is the community. There are tons of forums, subreddits, and discussion boards where you can interact with other players.
If anyone's looking to get into the game, it might feel a bit overwhelming at first with all the champions, strategies, and constant updates. Give yourself some time to experiment with different champs. Each brings a different aspect to the game, and you might be surprised which playstyle suits you best. Plus, the game is regularly updated, so there's always something new to explore.
To help you understand the basics of the game and how to better play it, I recommend reading this site: It's packed with guides and articles that can really give you a leg up when starting out.