Friends of a different ethnicity?
Do you have many friends of a different race or ethnicity? If not, why not?

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I don't have many friends of any race. I'm not good at making friends.
I can say I've HAD friends of virtually every ethnicity at some point, but these days I'm largely a recluse and have no one who is the kind of "friend" that I'd hang out with on a regular basis. I do have neighbors though, some of whom are friends in the sense that we talk and get along well. One of my newer neighbors is Egyptian (as his ethnic ancestry) so we joke that he is my African-American friend! (Hey, he may pass as Hispanic, Italian, Greek, Arabic, Persian or just a dark-haired white guy, but the fact that he is African-American is true!)

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Sort of? I mean... there are like three people in my real life that I would genuinely consider my friends. Two of them are white. The other one is half white and half Taiwanese. I'm half white and half Japanese.
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Last I checked, I believe all of my friends belong to the human race.
I'll let you know if/when that changes!
I'll let you know if/when that changes!

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Do you have many friends of a different race or ethnicity? If not, why not?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.
I don't have many friends of any race. I'm not good at making friends.

I am getting ever more asocial the older I get. Am way past trying to fix it.
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This right here 
I am getting ever more asocial the older I get. Am way past trying to fix it.

I am getting ever more asocial the older I get. Am way past trying to fix it.
You've made friends easily here.
Ironic as I’m quite good at all manner of ‘sales’.

I do keep trying though and sometimes it works.
Last edited by AgrippinaX; 02-12-24 at 03:24 PM.
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Making friends should just happen naturally. Cultivating acquaintances for racial or ethnic reasons is phony.
Making friends should just happen naturally. Cultivating acquaintances for racial or ethnic reasons is phony.