Let me guess, she's returning to get in some one liners at how bad DAREDEVIL(2005) along with ELEKTRA were and poke fun at the MCU, right?? I have this sinking feeling that now that Disney has a hold of this, that this won't be near as raunchy as we've come to expect and will be extremely watered down, but we'll see..PG-13 incoming.. Personally, I thought the movie "LOGAN" put closure on the character of WOLVERINE and Professor X and the X-MEN as we once knew..
LOGAN is set in the year 2029 so it's supposed to be 5 years until then which is why Jackman is returning in Wolverine as mentioned in the video in a previous post.
And we're not getting PG-13....this will definitely be the MCU's first R-rated movie. Kevin Feige is making sure of that. Even Karan Soni (who plays Dopinder) said it's as R as ever.