The MoFo Musical Countdown - Group Watch

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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I did watch Le Million tonight but don’t put me in to nominate till next round if I watch. I am glad I watched it but it was more screwball comedy than musical, which is fine, but that aspect just killed me. The music was good though.

Comedy is such a fine line for me, not unlike musicals actually. But when it’s just this high energy manufactured conflict, I just find myself more stressed than amused.

Alright, bring on the next one.


No, I haven't. She's a fairly large blind spot for me.
I've seen 20 of her films. She was in over a dozen musicals, so I hope at least a couple of her films make the countdown. Hopefully, you will enjoy this one. It's fun and entertaining.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Nomination #2

Curly Top (1935, Irving Cummings)

Deadline to Watch It: June 5
Good! I was hoping Allaby would go with a Shirley Temple film. I've seen a few of them but decades ago. Enjoyed them too, how could somebody not enjoy them, they're charming!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Curly Top was on repeat at my house as a kid. My mom is a huge Temple fan, and my sister loved this one. Not sure how I will respond to her movies as an adult. Hopefully I get a chance to watch this one tomorrow night.

I rewatched Curly Top today. I think this is my favourite Shirley Temple film. She's wonderful and delightful here and the rest of the cast are good too. I enjoyed the songs, especially Animal Crackers in My Soup and When I Grow Up. This is a really cute and fun musical. I hope it makes the countdown.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I rewatched Curly Top today. I think this is my favourite Shirley Temple film. She's wonderful and delightful here and the rest of the cast are good too. I enjoyed the songs, especially Animal Crackers in My Soup and When I Grow Up. This is a really cute and fun musical. I hope it makes the countdown.
Are you s Temple fan overall, or just Curly Top? I have seen a bunch years ago. This one and Little Princess are the ones I remember with any clarity.

Are you s Temple fan overall, or just Curly Top? I have seen a bunch years ago. This one and Little Princess are the ones I remember with any clarity.
I am a Shirley Temple fan. I have seen 20 of her films and have some of them on dvd.

I've never seen any of the films Shirley Temple made as a child. The only Temple films I've seen were when she was a teenager: Since You Went Away and The bachelor and the Bobby Soxer.

I've never seen any of the films Shirley Temple made as a child. The only Temple films I've seen were when she was a teenager: Since You Went Away and The bachelor and the Bobby Soxer.
You should check some of them out. I would recommend:

Bright Eyes (1934)
Little Miss Marker (1934)
Curly Top (1935)
Captain January (1936)
Dimples (1936)
Stowaway (1936)
Just Around the Corner (1938)
Little Miss Broadway (1938)
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1938)

Trouble with a capital "T"
One of my favorite Christmas movies features a teen Shirley Temple along with Ginger Rogers and Joseph Cotton...I'll Be Seeing You (1944)
Not a musical though.

I just watched Curly Top, and I really liked it. I'll have to check out some more of Temple's films.
Glad you liked it! I will put on a little outfit and sing and dance on a piano to celebrate.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Curly Top (1935)

I watched this last night and wanted to add a little to my write-up as I still have power, it's been really windy here! So I'm redoing my post.

I watched the colorized version I couldn't find a decent quality b&w video of the movie and the color had more detail. Truth be told on a fun film like this I think the colorization added to the movie. I wish I had a restored version though.

I liked the movie and was very impressed with Shirley Temple's acting abilities. She was able to do emotions and could recite blocks of dialogue and a long poem and do it well. She really tap danced like a pro too. It's amazing she could do so much at such an early age, she really was a talent. I had once seen a biography on her and she's credited for single handily saving Fox studio as it was her films that kept the company afloat. Without Shirley, Fox might have went under and there would've been no merger forming 20thCentury Fox, think about all the great films that the merged studio created over the years.

I liked Rochelle Hudson and I think I've seen her before in stuff and it was neat to see Jane Darwell too. I could watch more of Shirley's movies.