Things that annoy you...


That I have a cold-Covid/something yet again. I cannot think, cannot write three coherent sentences, everything aches. Exhausting, never-ending business.
Hope you feel better soon.

People that are egotistical, selfish or arrogant.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi​

How come it seems like the people with the most unstable & dysfunctional lives are the first to offer up advice on how to live your life?

I also find the opposite to be mostly true - the people who are the most stable, self-sufficient & successful usually don't have a lot to say when it comes to telling others how to live their lives.

Excellent point Captain Steel and right on the money. Seems being humble and respectful are rare traits these days.

How come it seems like the people with the most unstable & dysfunctional lives are the first to offer up advice on how to live your life?

I also find the opposite to be mostly true - the people who are the most stable, self-sufficient & successful usually don't have a lot to say when it comes to telling others how to live their lives.

I'm mad at one of my friends and this is not a good month to tick me off. My patience, which is always limited, is nil.

She smashed her foot on a door a week ago. She only told me because I texted her about my issues at work. I offered to take her to the emergency room. I was turned down. It seems she had down this before she drove her 25 yr old son to the airport. I said why didn't you let him Uber too the airport? He is a competent grownup. She said she did not want to go to the emergency room because she didn't want a cast. She wanted to be able to pick up her son from the airport. She said, that she would go to urgent care when he got home. He is home and she just told me that she is not going to the emergency room. She will wait for an appointment at the doctor. Who will of course send her to ER. I am ready to strangle her or call her daughter. But I won't. Her daughter doesn't live nearby and can only scold her as I did. Why should both of us be aggravated?

Hangnails are very annoying.

I'm mad at one of my friends and this is not a good month to tick me off. My patience, which is always limited, is nil.

She smashed her foot on a door a week ago. She only told me because I texted her about my issues at work. I offered to take her to the emergency room. I was turned down. It seems she had down this before she drove her 25 yr old son to the airport. I said why didn't you let him Uber too the airport? He is a competent grownup. She said she did not want to go to the emergency room because she didn't want a cast. She wanted to be able to pick up her son from the airport. She said, that she would go to urgent care when he got home. He is home and she just told me that she is not going to the emergency room. She will wait for an appointment at the doctor. Who will of course send her to ER. I am ready to strangle her or call her daughter. But I won't. Her daughter doesn't live nearby and can only scold her as I did. Why should both of us be aggravated?
Why would the doctor send her to the ER? Surely a bit late for that. He would send her to a foot doctor.

You've chosen to be aggravated by something that doesn’t impact you at all. Just saying.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Why would the doctor send her to the ER? Surely a bit late for that. He would send her to a foot doctor.

You've chosen to be aggravated by something that doesn’t impact you at all. Just saying.
You must be one of those lucky people who is not codependent.

I am beginning to lose the will to live when I'm stuck behind people at cigarette counter buying damn lottery tickets. Mother****ers are taking hours off my life!

I am beginning to lose the will to live when I'm stuck behind people at cigarette counter buying damn lottery tickets. Mother****ers are taking hours off my life!
I can relate, but for different reasons... on occasion I may have to go to the "service" counter for an ACTUAL problem with an item... but then have to wait behind 6 people buying lottery tickets.

My favorite scenario is hearing...
"77... oh wait, did I say 77? I meant 78. You're going to have to void that ticket and then we can start again... I only want 10 tickets all with different specific numbers (that I keep mixing up due to the cocktails I had before arriving). Oh, that will take time? Okay, I've got nothing better to do so I'll wait, then we can start over again from the beginning."

And that's only the first person, the 5 behind them may all have different lottery number problems.

I think I jinxed myself... went to the pharmacy JUST to drop off something for a refill.

I'm next in line, but as my turn comes an old lady comes out of nowhere to the counter (she was obviously already in the store so I gave her the benefit of the doubt that she was "reclaiming" her spot at the counter).

She asks the clerk if there is a cheaper box of gloves. The clerk has to now leave the counter to help the lady find them.
On their way back, the clerk glances at me and says "Sorry, I'll be right with you."
The old lady thought the clerk was talking to her and says, "Oh don't apologize, I'm in no hurry. I've got all day."
Then the lady asks about bandages which turns into another 10 minute treasure hunt.
Finally, she's about ready to leave when she asks the clerk if they remember her dog! Which turns into a whole new conversation (at least 5 minutes long).

So, 25 minutes JUST to hand off a prescription for a refill that I'll pick up days in the future. (And I was SO close to being out of there in under 2 minutes!) This happens to me almost all the time. How about you?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I think I jinxed myself... went to the pharmacy JUST to drop off something for a refill.

I'm next in line, but as my turn comes an old lady comes out of nowhere to the counter (she was obviously already in the store so I gave her the benefit of the doubt that she was "reclaiming" her spot at the counter).

She asks the clerk if there is a cheaper box of gloves. The clerk has to now leave the counter to help the lady find them.
On their way back, the clerk glances at me and says "Sorry, I'll be right with you."
The old lady thought the clerk was talking to her and says, "Oh don't apologize, I'm in no hurry. I've got all day."
Then the lady asks about bandages which turns into another 10 minute treasure hunt.
Finally, she's about ready to leave when she asks the clerk if they remember her dog! Which turns into a whole new conversation (at least 5 minutes long).

So, 25 minutes JUST to hand off a prescription for a refill that I'll pick up days in the future. (And I was SO close to being out of there in under 2 minutes!) This happens to me almost all the time. How about you?
In that situation I'd usually say something like, "I believe I was next in line." If that didn't work I'd add, "I just have to drop this prescription off and it will only take a second." Young or old, people should know better than to steal your time.That's one of my pet peeves btw.