Civil War (Alex Garland)


"In some scenes, Lee is wearing a helmet or protective gear. In most scenes, particularly the climactic battle in Washington, she is not. Is that realistic?

There were many things about the ending that weren’t realistic. I don’t believe soldiers would have allowed journalists to be so close to the action, even helping them. Regarding protective gear, some journalists don’t wear vests and helmets because they think it gives them a false sense of security, or they can’t move as freely. I have always worn it in conflict situations, but I’ve also been lucky not to have been hurt. Plenty of soldiers have been killed wearing their kit."
This bothered me endlessly in the movie.

Does this movie not function on the basis of being an action movie? A good action movie?

[quote=doubledenim;2455137]Does this movie not function on the basis of being an action movie? A good action movie?[/quote]

It's more of a horror film than Action film

Does this movie not function on the basis of being an action movie? A good action movie?
It's a war movie. Like all war movies, it has some action scenes.

A system of cells interlinked
Struggled to get through this one. Sort of a pointless affair, other than the obvious "we don't want this to happen," which is pretty much a given in any war film. Maybe if I had been given even a modicum of backstory I would have been able to find something to care about here but...nope.

This made Michael Bay's 13 Hours look good, which is saying something.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

They missed out on a major marketing opportunity by not making a war helmet popcorn bucket, imho.

What a weird, divergent mix of opinions. A lot of people seem to think this is quite good.
As a movie, it's a bit of an empty canvas in some ways. You can bring your own thoughts and ideas and the movie lets you use your head canon in the areas where it isn't more explicit

A system of cells interlinked
What a weird, divergent mix of opinions. A lot of people seem to think this is quite good.
It had a few of the signature Garland scenes with the mellow music over stressful situations etc. and some decent cinematic expression in places, but overall I found it underwhelming and to be his weakest film. I think it's been sort of diminishing returns for me as far as enjoyment with his films as they have been released.