Do you like Linkin Park?


Do you like Linkin Park?
13 votes
Yes, The Kings of Modern Rock
30 votes
No, Linkin who?
43 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Originally Posted by Herod
But as for the kings of Mod Rock, how's about that one Quadrophenic band?

Originally Posted by Garrett

You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I wipe my ass with your feelings
LP sucks

They have an amazing intro to most songs, but they throw it to **** with their useless, utterless crap.

I hate linkin park...I hate nu-metal in general.
pulp/ 'pelp/ n. 1. A soft, moist, shapeless mass of matter. 2. A magazine or book containing lurid subject matter and being characteristically printed of rough, unfinished paper.

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it's just as bad calling it Nu-metal... It shouldnt even have metal in it.. I just call this kind of stuff mallcore...(Because it's about as hardcore as a bunch of kids hanging out at a mall).
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

Originally Posted by Henry The Kid
Bland, uninventive fluff. Every single song sounds the same.

I have a severe distaste for them.

I agree with you. I like their sound but it gets boring. the radio overplay they get doesn't help either.

HellboyUnleashed's Avatar
May The Forks be With Us
i personally like the band it self and the music. as for the thing about them being the kings of modern rock that is saying way to much. i think they are very original and some bands are not. the are kinda a hybrid band, like rock, rap, and pop mixed together and i like it. good stuff.... and kool cound effects
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"Snozberries taste like snozberries"

Mirai's Avatar
I like the band. The difference in oppinion probably lies in the fact that when I listen to a song, I don't care about anything than the song itself. I don't care who wrote it. I don't care who sings it. And I don't care if it is a remix.

The music itself alone is good. The entirity of the band is, sadly, what sedai said.

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Mirai
I like the band. The difference in oppinion probably lies in the fact that when I listen to a song, I don't care about anything than the song itself. I don't care who wrote it. I don't care who sings it. And I don't care if it is a remix.

The music itself alone is good. The entirity of the band is, sadly, what sedai said.

The music is formulated rather well, I must say. I have liked many of the songs they have released, but not any more than any other popular hit at any given time. Background music at work or something... I gess I just don;t see the music as inspiring or elevating at all...certainly not the kings of modern rock as far as I am concerned...

Oh, and welcome to MoFO Mirai

What sort of music do you like? Films? Hobbies?
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Mirai's Avatar
Fave music is... I don't know. P.O.D, The Streets, Cat Empire, U2, Guns And Roses... A lot of different stuff really. It has to bring out emotion or let me jump around to it.

Films... Fight Club and anything with cool villains. I love villains.

Hobbies... I'm a cartoonist so I spend a lot of time doing that.

Thanks for the welcome.

waterisforcowards,waterma kesyouweak
it's just as bad calling it Nu-metal... It shouldnt even have metal in it.. I just call this kind of stuff mallcore...(Because it's about as hardcore as a bunch of kids hanging out at a mall).

Yup still think they are the best band since their first album.
I think their number of fans kinda prove that. Therefore
The Kings of Modern rock. And there's been many celebs who
didn't actually kill themselves.

Damn, he should've waited 1 month to make it an official 20-Year anniversary
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I liked them back when I bought Hybrid Theory on release then just gradually stopped listening to the band, didn't buy any other albums.

Just finished a funny book called The History of Heavy Metal by Adrian O'Neill, he is not amused:

Then in 2000 came Linkin Park. Rumours abounded that they were a full-on manufactured boy band, cynically put together to capitalise on the mainstream pop-metal market. They certainly sound like it. It has been suggested that the terrible name was suggested by their record label, so they’d be next to Limp Bizkit in CD racks. The music is soulless and sounds like it was made by a committee. Everything about them is designed to be marketable. They have a policy of not swearing. **** that. I’ll take that from Jerry Seinfeld but not from a metal band. Unsurprisingly they have sold tens of millions of records. The frontman has his own line of clothes, in conjunction with Porsche. Make of that what you will.

I really liked Linkin Park. Listened to them a lot back in the day, and will still belt out the lyrics if "In The End" comes on the radio. Ironically, I sorta drifted out when Minutes to Midnight came out, even though I enjoyed the departure from their usual sound. I used to listen to that album a lot, and then I don't think I listened any of the other ones that came after. Its weird.

A system of cells interlinked
I like some of their stuff. I was one of the people that enjoyed a lot of what they were doing on A Thousand Suns, as well as some of their more popular older stuff. I thought Chester was a pretty great singer.


Most bands that were getting radio play at that time were about as bad as popular music had been in decades, but Lincoln Park at least didn't make me nauseous when it came on.

Korn was clearly the best of that garbage. Then maybe Linkin Park. Then "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit (and absolutely nothing else, because they might have been the worst popular band of all time, either them or Creed).

Really, such a depressing time for music.

I was like 16 when Hybrid Theory came out, so of course I liked it. And Meteora. I could tell even then it was pretty shallow, but it's okay to enjoy shallow music sometimes.

Listening to it years later, the experience is similar, but with the "amounts" shifted around, where the "shallow" part is like 80% when it used to be half that. Listen to a few songs, find them nice enough, but then find they have little to no replayability. Replayability is a weird, ineffable quality that I increasingly associated with great music (and use to sift music into different levels of quality).

That said, long after I had essentially finished caring about the band, I remember hearing "Bleed It Out" (which came out in 2007 when they were already way past their peak, popularity-wise) and thinking "dang, that's a lot better than I remember them being." I actually think this one holds up, and if nothing else it's just incredibly catchy:

Oh, and "Nobody's Listening" is still pretty good.