The MoFo Musical Countdown - Group Watch

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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Any chance Sean could have another chance? If he wants. I feel kinda bad that we didn't watch his choice.
Appreciate it but I will try and jump back in next round. Not going to get to this one.

Also, this round will be open for about 24 more hours. It doesn't look like we have any new participants, so if nobody else joins, I'll choose between Allaby, Citizen, Vicky, and myself.
We should have a dance off to see who gets to pick next.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've seen 8/10. I haven't seen Stormy Weather and Broadway Melody of 1940.
I'm taking note of that for my next turn

The Nicholas Brothers in Stormy Weather were flat out amazing dancers! Even Gene Kelly was impressed with them (on a different movie that he was cast in, I forget the title of that one). Sadly they didn't get their due because of institutionalized racism back in the day...When they were cast in a movie their scenes often were cut for southern audiences. I don't know if I've seen Broadway Melody of 1940 or not? If so it was a long time ago.

Wow...You're the musical man It would be hard to find a musical that you haven't seen unless it was more obscure.
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs and Wonka are probably the two most popular musicals that I haven't seen.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs and Wonka are probably the two most popular musicals that I haven't seen.
I liked them both. I didn't realize The Ballad of Buster Scruggs qualified as a musical, but cool if it does. I wrote this:
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (Coen Brothers, 2018)

Very impressive movie! The Ballad of Buster Scruggs is composed of six different western stories, all of them tied together by one theme: the violence of the old west....With it's ironicisms the film reminded me of the 1980s TV show Tales From the Darkside, a show I use to love. As one would expect from a Coen's film it's well written, clever & intelligently handled with great attention to details. A big plus there's some really beautiful shooting locations...All done up with a slight twist and the Coen's flair for uniqueness.


I liked Wonka...probably rate it a

The trick is not minding
Saw this a few years ago. Couldn’t really get into the music or the film for that matter. Doesn’t help I’m not much a fan of Jewison to begin with.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I watched this one last year and absolutely loved it. Great lead performance. It will be very high on my list. Hope you that haven’t seen enjoy.

One of the all-time greats, that's for sure