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The Watchers

I forget who said it first, but "the parts that are good aren't original, and the parts that are original aren't good". The good movie they're ripping off is The Ritual. Everything else is pretty bad.


I think I watched almost half of it and fell asleep. It was ok I guess but Jerry might have leaned to hard into the silliness tone. Almost felt like a kid's movie. Not sure if I really have an appetite to go back and finish it.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Hit Man - 2023

This one is worth a gander. I enjoyed it. Powell is awesome in it. It starts a bit slow but once it gets to the end you are along for the ride. The ending is some of the darkest humor I've seen in awhile. You'll know the scene when you see it, it's a thoroughly entertaining scene. Feels like a movie Hollywood just doesn't make anymore. I don't know how feasible everything is because it's based on a true story, I have to imagine they took a lot of liberties with it...I guess Powell wrote it with Linklater. It sort of has an Out Of Sight vibe to it if I had to compare it to a movie and I f*cking love that movie. Don't think it quite rises to that flick but it's damn entertaining. Could be Powell's jumping off pad like that movie was for Clooney. The lead actresses is also very charming and easy on the eyes lol

The Brain from Planet Arous - 1957 scifi offering starring John Agar as scientist Steve March. When it opens he and his colleague and fellow scientist Dan Murphy (Robert Fuller) are trying to figure out the source of a radioactive anomaly. They trace it to ... wait for it ... Mystery Canyon! There they find a cave that neither of them remember ever having been there.
WARNING: spoilers below
Long story short a giant floating brain with eyeballs kills Dan and possesses Steve. It's kind of an a-hole giant floating brain with eyeballs named Gor (voiced by scifi mainstay Morris Ankrum) and it's bent on world domination. It can cause immense damage with a thought, vaporizing airplanes out of the sky and leveling buildings and wiping out army troops. It does this to demonstrate it's power to assembled scientists, military brass and world representatives.

In the meantime Steve's fiancée Sally Fallon (Joyce Meadows) is worried about him because whenever Steve is alone with her he gets a little ... I don't know ... date rapey? You might have thought that was an unfortunate choice for a movie title but it's actually kind of fitting since the aforementioned brain comes off like a drunken frat boy. In their defense they do pronounce it planet A-russ as opposed to arouse. But in reality it turns out to be a lowlife criminal from the planet Arous when yet another giant floating brain with eyeballs named Vol makes it's presence known to Sally and her father. He's here to take Gor into custody and back to their planet.
Agar gets plenty of chances to chew the scenery before the credits roll. The film wraps up with Steve blithely dismissing Sally's explanations as female hysterics and picking up where the horndog alien left off. If you can overlook these peculiarities you might find it cheesy enough to qualify as good fun.


Pajama Party (1964) A Martian comes to Earth and meets a cute girl in this entertaining musical comedy. This is silly fun and recommended if you like Martians and dancing girls in bikinis.

Pajama Party (1964) A Martian comes to Earth and meets a cute girl in this entertaining musical comedy. This is silly fun and recommended if you like Martians and dancing girls in bikinis.
What about people who like Martian dancing girls in bikinis?

What about people who like Martian dancing girls in bikinis?
I assume they would also enjoy it. You should watch it and report back what you think.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Pajama Party (1964) A Martian comes to Earth and meets a cute girl in this entertaining musical comedy. This is silly fun and recommended if you like Martians and dancing girls in bikinis.
Martians are OK but I'm weird enough to like dancing girls in bikinis. I seen Pajama Party a few weeks ago, I liked it. I'm watching in order all of the AIP Beach movies.

Martians are OK but I'm weird enough to like dancing girls in bikinis. I seen Pajama Party a few weeks ago, I liked it. I'm watching in order all of the API Beach movies.
Which is your favourite of the beach movies?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Which is your favourite of the beach movies?
I haven't seen all of them yet, I'm working on it. Of the AIP beach movies I've seen, the first one Beach Party was a favorite as it was rawer like someone went to a CA beach and filmed teens hanging out. I liked Pajama Party and Ski Party too.

Three terrific movies.

I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

2bd Rewatch...One of the stronger entries from the Ferrelly Brothers that grows on me with each viewing. Woody Harrelson is a former pro bowler who coaches an Amish guy (Randy Quaid) who has bowling talent, but his Amish heritage is in direct conflict with everything that Harrelson is trying to teach him. The first time I watched this, I thought Harrelson and Quaid should have switched roles, but I now like them in the roles they play here now. Of course, Bill Murray steals every scene he is in as the smarmy Ernie McCracken. I also love that this film is lighter on the bathroom humor that we're accustomed to from the Ferrelly brothers.

1st Rewatch...This movie is a lot better than I remembered, second only to Ferris Bueller as my favorite John Hughes film. Hughes took a break from the teen comedy route to bring us this rich comedy about a marketing executive named Neal Page (Steve Martin) whose flight home for Thanksgiving is cancelled and through some very bizarre circumstances, finds himself linked to a traveling salesman named Del Griffith (the late John Candy) in his efforts to get home. At first glance this film comes off as something Martin and Lewis might have done back in the day, but Hughes' very clever screenplay has a lot more meat than expected. Steve Martin provides a seamless combination of straight man and comic in his performance and this just might be my favorite John Candy performance where he proves to be more than just a movie clown. Watch that scene where Martin is yelling at him in the hotel room and the camera keeps going back to Candy, who beautifully conveys that Neal is hurting his feelings...Candy nails that scene, like nothing I have ever seen. Of course, the slapstick that we expect from Martin and Candy is here, but we get flawed, three-dimensional characters from the stars that raise the bar on this comedy, with a strong assist from Hughes. Upping my original rating.

Boy Kills World - (2023)

Fun ride, even if it was a bit predictable. 7/10
There has been an awekening.... have you felt it?

Registered User
I like historical movies and I watched The Heart of the Queen (1940). It shows German version of Mary Queen of Scott's eventful reign and death focuses on her emotional perception rather lyrically.

Late Night with the Devil

Despite some pacing issues, this was quite interesting and enjoyable. A lot of the 'possession' movies have become extremely similar, and although at first I thought it was going that way, it managed to surprise me with quite a few unique moments, and a very interesting ending. There were a lot of great performances too, especially by David Dastmalchian. Very solid and unique movie. There are a few hiccups here and there, with parts that are too slow, and a Climax that feels a little rushed, but overall it's still quite positive.


Oh! Uomo (2004) ‐

I've met a handful of war veterans throughout my life and, though none of them (to my knowledge) sustained permanent injuries in combat, I've heard about plenty of other soldiers they fought with who weren't as fortunate. Even after a war ends, its impact on those who survived it will still be felt for years to come. And for the soldiers depicted in this film, throughout the remainder of their lives. Throughout the film, we see numerous soldiers with missing limbs, missing eyeballs, and deformed facial features. Though it's not an easy watch, my main takeaway was how it found poetry amidst the grotesqueness. While the footage of the soldiers and children is obviously far from uplifting, Gianikian and Ricci Lucchi illustrate the ways those people can go through surgery to either reconstruct or replace what they lost and make the best with what body parts they have left, even if they can't be made whole again. One particularly powerful sequence was a montage of close‐ups of various soldier's deformed faces. This sequence really tested my endurance as, not only were the deformities quite graphic to look at, but each face was focused on for an uncomfortably long time. The film followed up on this though with various close‐ups of soldiers who presumably went through facial reconstruction surgery as they hold up a plaster of what they originally looked like. Their scars are still visible if you look closely, but given the prior montage, this one comes as a relief. Other powerful sequences included characters performing everyday tasks, like a farmer tending to his crops with a robotic arm, while another powerful sequence showed a close‐up of a man having a fake eye put in place of a disfigured eye. After his procedure, I honestly couldn't tell the difference between his real and fake eye at all. I finished the film over an hour ago, yet I'm still trying to make sense of the emotions it made me feel. In spite of the constant barrage of graphic injuries onscreen, it strangely felt hopeful. The people onscreen lost so much in the war, yet the worst is over for them and things will start to look up. If I had to nitpick something, this might've been better had Stan Brakhage directed it as some of the music choices were jarring and unnecessary. This is the kind of film where the emotional resonance of the imagery speaks for itself, so the soundtrack felt like dead weight. Aside from this, however, I quite enjoyed this film and may return to it sometime in the future.