Sydney Sweeney likely to be the next Bond Girl


Love all the clickbait garbage!!

It's so much fun to see what some sites will do for clicks!

Trouble with a capital "T"
It's so much fun to see what some sites will do for clicks!
Well I agree I hate clickbait but I don't see clickbait in the article GulfportDoc posted. In fact when I seen the thread title I figure it was one of yours. So what is clickbait about the article and or the page it's on?

Anything that is purely speculative is usually considered clickbait.... a news article that quoted her agent as saying she's considering the part wouldn't be clickbait

Well she's better than some of the names that come up in odds lists...

To be honest, I'd like a Bond girl to be played by someone from Britain or mainland Europe. Not American.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Well she's better than some of the names that come up in odds lists...

To be honest, I'd like a Bond girl to be played by someone from Britain or mainland Europe. Not American.
I'm an American...and I can understand that. Bond is a British secret agent and at least sometimes the Bond Girl should be a Brit. I don't know how many there have been in the past?

The trick is not minding
Filmbuff is right. It’s clickbait. Not only that, but the title is misleading. All they do is present some odds without providing their reasoning other than her recent success. It doesn’t say if she is even in talks for it.

Bond gets to go around doing Bond stuff all over the world...therefore it seems clear that a Bond girl could be from any place in the world, imho.

Unless you want to limit his adventures strictly to the UK.... but even then, there would have to be various interested parties from other corners of the world, just like IRL

Typical clickbaity framing.

Whatever is left of the series isn’t even worth checking out, imo. I was brought up a proud and obsessive Bondomaniac, and I remember the unease around Craig, but I have always felt he killed it (a little bit too, ahem, literally, in light of what they ended up doing). Because I remember the unease around Craig so well (a blond and all), I can’t deny that the franchise probably could be resurrected yet again, with good results. But I probably won’t be here for it.

Besides, seems odd to be picking the girls before picking the Bond. I don’t think Sweeney is that good of an actress — strange that she’s suddenly everywhere. Gimme Sophie Turner in a Bond movie or, better yet, Elizabeth Debicki. But then I would say that — my ideal Bond from recent-ish candidates would have been Tom Hiddleston.

I don’t have a strong view about Bond girls being British. Yeah, it can come off great, as with Eva Green, but also I think Debicki could pull off a convincing Brit (see Tenet). Mandating that they be British seems like complicating the thing even further when it’s already all over the place.

The trick is not minding
I can’t recall, but was Aaron Taylor Johnson confirmed as the next Bond? I seem to recall something about it, but I can’t remember if it was speculation or if he was in talks and people were just hopeful he gets it.

What? An actor who's half-Irish being able to pull off a convincing Brit?

What else are you going to suggest, an Irish actor playing 007 himself? Or maybe an Australian playing James Bond??

What? An actor who's half-Irish being able to pull off a convincing Brit?

What else are you going to suggest, an Irish actor playing 007 himself?
It’s all appearances. I recently rewatched The Godfather, so I really should remember the quote; alas, I don’t and yes I did try googling it; but it goes something like ‘what it looks like is more important than what it really is’, in terms of appearances ranking above the principle of the thing. (Besides, Bond girls don’t get enough screen time for a deep character study anyway).

Claudia Cardinale and other Italians did a phenomenal ****ing job in classic westerns, after all, as did Burt Lancaster in The Leopard. I think we could use more of that kind of looser approach to national origin. Dubbing voices would go a long, long way, I always say that. Then we wouldn’t have the travesty of Ana de Armas’ attempt at a Marilyn Monroe accent.

And no, I’m not suggesting any drastic modifications to 007 himself. (Pierce Brosnan was one of the best, however!) The girls one can have fun with, though.

I did not have any trouble whatsoever with Ana de Armas as Marilyn even though the movie itself was a turd; she may have been the one saving grace there.

I mean, I think (just a theory here) that if you grew up watching a lot of classic Hollywood films, at some point you just stop thinking about whether or not the actors doing certain kinds of parts "sound right" or not - ultimately everything about a movie is just an illusion, including the fact that we think we're watching something moving (we're actually not).

Back to Sydney Sweeney, I dare hope she will stay clear somewhat of major IP stuff, doing more original comedies or even horror movies like the ones she just did might be just the thing to build on in order to have a long and successful career (I would say that a Barbarella remake might be an exception, if only because probably very few young moviegoers are familiar with the original).

I mean, I think (just a theory here) that if you grew up watching a lot of classic Hollywood films, at some point you just stop thinking about whether or not the actors doing certain kinds of parts "sound right" or not - ultimately everything about a movie is just an illusion, including the fact that we think we're watching something moving (we're actually not).
I agree (I did grow up watching classic stuff; some I connected with more and some less — don’t remember any specific feelings about classic westerns as a kid, but I did watch a lot of Claude Lelouch in French and didn’t think about the language at all. I speak good French, but I’m sure there must have been subtitles). This is interesting. I haven’t thought about this as much as I should have, probably.

But maybe something about the contemporary reality makes people nitpick that little bit more. Which sucks.

Well, you know what sucks even more? I think AI could theoretically be used, eventually, to make actors sound *perfectly accurate* when they're doing an accent that's fairly different from their own.

I haven't read anything about it, yet, but just extrapolating from present capabilities, it's not hard to imagine that it might be possible, eventually. And then every single actor will be able to do the most challenging accents, without any real effort.

(Maybe there is a chance this will NOT happen, and that would be a relief).

Well, you know what sucks even more? I think AI could theoretically be used, eventually, to make actors sound *perfectly accurate* when they're doing an accent that's fairly different from their own.

I haven't read anything about it, yet, but just extrapolating from present capabilities, it's not hard to imagine that it might be possible, eventually. And then every single actor will be able to do the most challenging accents, without any real effort.

(Maybe there is a chance this will NOT happen, and that would be a relief).
Oh, I concur. Meanwhile, I’m literally dealing with obsessive-compulsive thoughts about AI doing exactly that, ruining fiction and art and music and whatnot. I didn’t mean to suggest that imperfect accents need ‘ironing out’, least of all with something drastic like AI (though I, too, feel it’s very probable they will be). That doesn’t mean there isn’t a sort of middle ground.

I don’t think people should be obsessive about every single inflection, but the Ana de Armas situation was a bit much, imo. It does take you out of what little narrative there is (then again, let’s face it, it was a batshit film. I liked the
WARNING: spoilers below
talking-to-dead-foetus part
for the sheer absurdity). But in films where bad accents are picked up on in a humorous way, it usually works well, I think. E.g. aforementioned Brosnan in Mrs. Doubtfire — the first time I saw it, the bit about the British accent not being quite right really landed.

Anyway, I think AI will just annihilate the arts in their entirety, so there we are.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...I don’t think people should be obsessive about every single infection..
Count me as one movie fan who's not obsessed with how accurate accents sound. Maybe I'm accent tone deaf. But unless someone really murders the accent, I'm not worried about it. Probably because I watch a lot of old, old movies and if one can take John Wayne as a Mongolian one can take a mediocre sounding faux accent.