The MoFo Musical Countdown - Group Watch

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Ok haven’t really been paying attention what do I have to do?
Pick a movie musical that you like that hasn't been chosen yet. Perhaps one you think might need some extra help making the countdown. Then PM your choice to SpelingError.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ok haven’t really been paying attention what do I have to do?
Like what Miss Vicky said. It can be a musical that you love and think people should watch and hopefully they will like it.

These are the only musicals that can't be chose as they have already been picked:
Le Million (1931, René Clair)
Nominated By: SpelingError

Curly Top (1935, Irving Cummings)
Nominated By: Allaby

The Pajama Game (1957, George Abbott and Stanley Donen)
Nominated By: Citizen Rules

Monty Python's The Meaning of Life (1983, Terry Jones and Terry Gilliam)
Nominated By: seanc

Little Shop of Horrors (1986, Frank Oz)
Nominated By: Thursday Next

Charlotte's Web (1973, Charles A. Nichols and Iwao Takamoto)
Nominated By: Miss Vicky

A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum (1966, Richard Lester)
Nominated By: stillmellow

Fiddler on the Roof (1971, Norman Jewison)
Nominated By; Citizen Rules

Across the Universe (2007, Julie Taymor)
Nominated By: cricket

RIP 2002-2010

The main song of the movie is 'Tradition' which amply describes this all but lost world that existed before the Holocaust. The story focuses on the marriages of Tevye's three oldest daughters. Tradition has it that the village matchmaker will arrange a marriage match with the fathers approval, the daughters have no say in who they will marry. Without going into the story too far the daughters fall in love and have a different idea about marriage, causing some real problems which are handled in a serious way. Indeed this is a serious film, not a comedy, ending on a sad but hopeful note.
I'm a bit late to respond to this, as I don't stay completely caught up in all the threads in a timely fashion... but...

Fiddler on the Roof is brilliant and while I've known about the music for some time I haven't actually gotten around to watching it until about two months ago. At the time I think it was either on Amazon Prime or Netflix streaming. It's a great story and the setting and time period of Russian Jews at the turn of the 19th century in the decade leading up to the tragic Russian Revolution was just spectacular.

I absolutely loved the "tradition" number and so much that for the past month or two I have been randomly breaking out into "TRADITION!" here at home in front of the wife whenever the moment calls for it. In any event, I did want to comment on that aspect of the film... not just the song number, but the theme of tradition colliding with change/modernity/progressivism etc, etc. There's something to be said for both sides of that debate... the concept of a tree that doesn't sway with the wind will break, but... "then again..." there is also something to be said for the Chesterton Fence allegory and caution of the dangers of being to quick to dismiss and toss aside the wisdoms, learnings, and practices of the past.

It's just a brilliant film and number, oh and you are 100-percent correct in that it was handled so well, as I just absolutely loved how the film showed Tevye debating with himself weighing the benefits and harms and claims and rebuttals in his little monologues and talks to himself. It's just so damn good and while I'm not a musical aficionado, I still can't believe it took me until 40 years old to get around to seeing it. Oh and without giving away my list... Fiddler on the Roof doesn't make my top 10 musicals of all time, but it will be in my top 15. Yes, it's that brilliant and amazing. I also said to my wife that it would make a great double-bill with An American Tail for a follow-up film!

"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
Top 100 Films, clicky below

Already IM'd Speling error about it, but if it's OK, I would like to post my nominee here:

Shirley MacLaine's vivacious performance in the title role and Bob Fosse's extraordinary choreography are the strong points here.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Already IM'd Speling error about it, but if it's OK, I would like to post my nominee here

Shirley MacLaine's vivacious performance in the title role and Bob Fosse's extraordinary choreography are the strong points here.
Very cool choice Gideon. I had been thinking about that one too as it has exceptional Bob Fosse numbers, especially what I call the 'chicken dance' at the nightclub. Looking forward to a rewatch.

Very cool choice Gideon. I had been thinking about that one too as it has exceptional Bob Fosse numbers, especially what I call the 'chicken dance' at the nightclub. Looking forward to a rewatch.
"The Chicken Dance" is actually called "The Rich Man's Frug" LOL!

Trouble with a capital "T"
"The Chicken Dance" is actually called "The Rich Man's Frug" LOL!
I like that! I hope to watch the movie tonight and tomorrow I will post my thoughts for everyone to read.

RIP 2002-2010
I haven't really followed this thread a whole lot, so what's the MO, watch the movie and review it? That works and Bob Fosse is amazing, but this would be first watch for me. Starting it now as it's currently streaming on the Criterion Channel under the Shirley MacLain collection. And if you don't get the Criterion Channel for Heavens sake why not!?... for $9/month it's a great investment and you don't even have to be a big spender... yeah, see what I did there?

I haven't really followed this thread a whole lot, so what's the MO, watch the movie and review it?
It's all explained in the first post.

If you want to watch the currently nominated movie and post about it, you can. If you watch and post about it in this thread (your post doesn't have to be a full review. A sentence or two is enough) before the deadline, then you become eligible to be chosen to select the next nomination. Priority is given to people who haven't nominated anything yet.

However, you should only post in here about the movie if you're actually interested in being eligible to nominate. If you do post, it's also important for you to be around soon after the deadline so that if you're chosen to nominate next you can do so promptly so that you don't end up holding everyone up while they wait for your choice.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Already IM'd Speling error about it, but if it's OK, I would like to post my nominee here:

Shirley MacLaine's vivacious performance in the title role and Bob Fosse's extraordinary choreography are the strong points here.

I've seen Sweet Charity a few times. It's not one of my favorite musicals, but it's a good movie. The first half is a delight to watch, with a couple of great song and dance numbers, but I feel that the second half is lacking the same spark. "Big Spender" is my favorite dance number in the movie, but I also enjoy watching Sammy Davis Jr. in "The Rhythm of Life".

WARNING: "SPOILERS about the ENDING of "Sweet Charity"!!!" spoilers below
I haven't seen the alternate ending, but I've read about it, and I would definitely prefer the alternate ending because the ending it has now is a let down. The whole movie has her getting her hopes up and then being let down, but when it looks like she's finally going to get her happy ending, it just gets ripped out from under her again. I thought John McMartin was a little bit dull as Oscar, but I still would have liked to see them end up together. She seemed so happy when she was with him.

This movie won't make my list, but I always enjoy watching the dance numbers in it. IMO, the choreography is the real star of the movie.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

It's all explained in the first post.

If you want to watch the currently nominated movie and post about it, you can. If you watch and post about it in this thread (your post doesn't have to be a full review. A sentence or two is enough) before the deadline, then you become eligible to be chosen to select the next nomination. Priority is given to people who haven't nominated anything yet.

However, you should only post in here about the movie if you're actually interested in being eligible to nominate. If you do post, it's also important for you to be around soon after the deadline so that if you're chosen to nominate next you can do so promptly so that you don't end up holding everyone up while they wait for your choice.
Yeah, what Vicky said. Especially the bolded part.

I've seen Sweet Charity a few times. It's not one of my favorite musicals, but it's a good movie. The first half is a delight to watch, with a couple of great song and dance numbers, but I feel that the second half is lacking the same spark. "Big Spender" is my favorite dance number in the movie, but I also enjoy watching Sammy Davis Jr. in "The Rhythm of Life".

WARNING: "SPOILERS about the ENDING of "Sweet Charity"!!!" spoilers below
I haven't seen the alternate ending, but I've read about it, and I would definitely prefer the alternate ending because the ending it has now is a let down. The whole movie has her getting her hopes up and then being let down, but when it looks like she's finally going to get her happy ending, it just gets ripped out from under her again. I thought John McMartin was a little bit dull as Oscar, but I still would have liked to see them end up together. She seemed so happy when she was with him.

This movie won't make my list, but I always enjoy watching the dance numbers in it. IMO, the choreography is the real star of the movie.
Great to see you here again! I hope you stick around

I watched Sweet Charity today. I like Shirley MacLaine's performance and the singing and dancing was pretty good, but I didn't find the story very interesting. Also, this is far too long.