Do You Ever Develop "Images" For People On This Site?


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For me, it's the people with no photos, etc... I've read some of them for almost a decade, and I think you can learn a lot about movies (music, sense of humor) one loves, and also how they describe their love (or hate) for it (or whatever)... Sometimes I associate the person with their avatar. And with some, you don't know their gender, and I would never ask.. And then I discover someone's age and I realized my impression was so off that I started this thread.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Do You Ever Develop "Images" For People On This Site?

I'm sure I do, but more subconsciously than actively trying to figure out what a person is like IRL. Overtime some MoFos begin to form an image in my mind of what they are like. I'm sure all those images we have of other's, are incomplete and often way off base. I bet people have an image of me that doesn't correspond to who I am at all. It's an interesting question, hope more people reply.

The people who post nothing in their profile: gender, place of domicile, place of birth, etc. annoy me somewhat. What are they hiding that they can’t tell us even where they live? To me it’s strange, but nobody knows my name or what I look like & that’s how I like it.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I picture those who don't capitalize, use proper punctuation and make vague and/or incomplete statements like the guy in this old meme:

Those who dismiss movies as being for plebians, normies, etc. remind me of the "Michael Bolton lookalike" from Good Will Hunting or David Cross in this Mr. Show sketch:

The strongest influence--and I'd be surprised if this wasn't a thing for everyone, whether or not they were fully aware of it--are the avatars. It's very hard not to allow them to change how we view other users.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The people who post nothing in their profile: gender, place of domicile, place of birth, etc. annoy me somewhat. What are they hiding that they can’t tell us even where they live? To me it’s strange, but nobody knows my name or what I look like & that’s how I like it.
You're slim, fit, attractive and well dressed. Am I right?

For a long time I thought @Citizen Rules looked like a young Orson Welles.
Then I thought he looked more like Dan Duryea.
Now I think he looks like some bizarre amalgam between Shirley Jones and Robert Preston!

Trouble with a capital "T"
For a long time I thought @Citizen Rules looked like a young Orson Welles.
Then I thought he looked more like Dan Duryea.
Now I think he looks like some bizarre amalgam between Shirley Jones and Robert Preston!
Ha! Going way back to my early days of posting, I tried finding an older movie star pic who looked like me and seemed to fit my personality, for an avatar. I came up with a mix of Cary Grant and Gregory Peck! I'm still working on some actor to be my stand in. Probably anybody I pick would be more like wishful thinking. I can't think of anyone, well one of these days.

insert funny actor pic here

Ha! Going way back to my early days of posting, I tried finding an older movie star pic who looked like me and seemed to fit my personality, for an avatar. I came up with a mix of Cary Grant and Gregory Peck! I'm still working on some actor to be my stand in. Probably anybody I pick would be more like wishful thinking. I can't think of anyone, well one of these days.

insert funny actor pic here
How about Tom Hanks or George Clooney for a current actor to be your stand in? That's how I imagine you: the likeable, nice guy everyman type.

You're slim, fit, attractive and well dressed. Am I right?
You’re right. With a beautiful voice. Sheesh, that’s me. I should be in movies.

Trouble with a capital "T"
You’re right. With a beautiful voice. Sheesh, that’s me. I should be in movies.
I hadn't guessed the voice. I'm guessing your husband is older than you and a professional and he met you when he was in England on business. Is that close?

I hadn't guessed the voice. I'm guessing your husband is older than you and a professional and he meant you when he was in England on business. Is that close?
The voice is very important.

My husband is 11 years older than me.

We were introduced to each other in NYC.

And here I am in Connecticut much to my surprise.

That’s all I’m telling you.

Trouble with a capital "T"
How about Tom Hanks or George Clooney for a current actor to be your stand in? That's how I imagine you: the likeable, nice guy everyman type.
Those might work, thanks!

I can’t say that I do. The people I’ve seen and remember photos of I picture, but otherwise no.

I’ve been told some people picture me as Joaquin Phoenix or that they interpret everything I say as being a little more aggressive/abrasive than I actually intended because of my avatar.

I can’t say that I do. The people I’ve seen and remember photos of I picture, but otherwise no.

I’ve been told some people picture me as Joaquin Phoenix or that they interpret everything I say as being a little more aggressive/abrasive than I actually intended because of my avatar.
FWIW, I took the question to be about the example in your second paragraph, rather than the more literal interpretation from the first.

And yeah I 100% believe the general idea in the second paragraph, for you and everyone else. I sometimes think about that when deciding which Yoda avatar to rotate in or out.

FWIW, I took the question to be about the example in your second paragraph, rather than the more literal interpretation from the first.
I wasn't entirely sure which way OP meant it, so I figured I'd kind of address both angles. I definitely have an opinion of what certain people are like as people - based off of personal interactions with them and based on their personal beliefs (mostly remembered from before the ban on political discussion).

After 15 years of being here (well 14 years and 364 days) I don't pay much attention to people's avatars anymore. About the only time they stick out to me is when someone - usually a new person - uses what I can only assume is an actual photo of themselves as an avatar. That always strikes me as weird for some reason.

And yeah I 100% believe the general idea in the second paragraph, for you and everyone else. I sometimes think about that when deciding which Yoda avatar to rotate in or out.
I don't really care that people take my posts as being more aggressive than they really are, or at least not enough to consider changing my avatar, though as an admin I definitely see why that would be important for you. The one thing that has bugged me sometimes is when people assume that because I have a male avatar I must also be male, despite plenty of hints to the contrary.

I The one thing that has bugged me sometimes is when people assume that because I have a male avatar I must also be male, despite plenty of hints to the contrary.
One such hint would be your name. Don’t know too many males with the name of Vicky.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The strongest influence--and I'd be surprised if this wasn't a thing for everyone, whether or not they were fully aware of it--are the avatars. It's very hard not to allow them to change how we view other users.
I wonder what criteria people use when choosing an avatar. I'd guess most do like I do and choose an avatar that represents the image that we'd like to present. Or maybe it's the image we wished we were and want other's to see us as. Or maybe it's just someone or something we like. Lately I've been picking avatars to show support for the countdown's we're doing. My current one is from the musical The Music Man...I liked it as it has a happy colorful vibe. But I wish Robert Preston didn't look like he was snarling! Maybe I'll photoshop a smile unto his face

Trouble with a capital "T"
Or maybe what's written underneath an avatar?
Ha ...Trouble with a capital "T" Is a line from a song in The Music Man. I did wonder when I switched to that what people would think of it?