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When a very lost movie agent ends up in Kermit the Frog’s swamp, Kermit is convinced to pursue a career in Hollywood. Traveling across the country, he is soon joined by companions Fozzy the Bear, Gonzo, and Miss Piggy. But unfortunately for Kermit, Doc Hopper (Charles Durning) and his reluctant assistant Max (Austin Pendleton) will stop at nothing to force Kermit to become the face of Hopper’s frog leg food chain.

A very funny and hopeful film full of great songs and some wonderful/terrible puns. (Myth! Myth! Yeth?).


So Long at the Fair, 1950

Vicky (Jean Simmons) arrives in Paris with her brother, Johnny (David Tomlinson), to enjoy the World’s Fair. After a day of adventuring they retire to their rooms . . . and when Vicky wakes up in the morning, her brother is gone. Not only that, but his room at the hotel no longer exists. The woman who runs the hotel, Madame Herve (Cathleen Nesbitt), further insists that Vicky came to the hotel alone. As even those who are sympathetic to her story---the police, the man at the British consulate---also seem to think she’s just mentally ill, Vicky finally stumbles on someone who does believe her: a painter named George (Dick Bogarde). Together they try to piece together what happened to Johnny.

This thriller has a fantastic premise, though it never quite hits the pulpy excesses that might have pushed it into more memorable territory.


"You're insane!" "I thought I was a Pisces!"

The Riddle of the Sands

Not really my type of film. It's a British spy thriller. It was decent but I have little knowledge of pre WW1 history as far as between Britain and Germany.

Crawlspace, 2022

Robert (Henry Thomas) is an out--of-work plumber who is called out to do a job on a remote home in the woods. Needing the money, Robert agrees and heads out to the isolated house. But while Robert is in the crawlspace under the house, he witnesses the homeowner being murdered by Sterling (Bradley Stryker) and Dooley (C. Ernst Hath) and realizes that a duffel bag full of cash in the crawlspace is what they are after.

This is a mediocre action-thriller, albeit one with a game cast.


"You're insane!" "I thought I was a Pisces!"

The Omega Code

I first saw this at the cinema when it came out. It's an Antichrist film without having the horror aspect to it. It was just ok.

"You're insane!" "I thought I was a Pisces!"

Logan's Run

This is the first science fiction movie I can remember seeing. My parents took my young sister and I to see it at the Drive-in theatre when it was first released. I was 9 yrs old at the time and I remember certain aspects were frightening. I have seen it several times over the years but only remember bits and pieces. Now at the age of 57 yrs old, I'm glad I chose to rewatch. I liked it more now than previously.

Is it a great film? No its not, it's entertaining and the cinematography fits for the time period in which it was created. Will I see the remake? It depends on several things including the actors.

I forgot the opening line.

By The poster art can or could be obtained from the distributor., Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=52048902

The Handmaiden - (2016)

This twist-laden, erotic, blast of a film exemplifies all of the great qualities South Korean cinema offers these days. Wonderful story, and a very interesting take on British crime novel 'Fingersmith'. Full review here, in my watchlist thread.


Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17825200

Overlord - (1975)

Winning portrait of a very young man, Thomas Beddows (Brian Stirner), as he's conscripted into the army to fight the Nazis in World War 2. What follows is a mix of real-life footage with his story, seamlessly amalgamated and blended into a great perspective of human worth set against a gigantic, industrial, military machine. Full review here, in my watchlist thread.


By The poster art can or could be obtained from Fox Searchlight Pictures., Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=64749697

Gifted - (2017)

Good film boosted by an unforgettable child performance from young Mckenna Grace as 7-year-old maths prodigy Mary. I think it would have been better if a more vulnerable, flawed person were fighting for custody - her uncle Frank is played by Chris Evans, and as a superhuman, handsome, stoic, strong-willed and perfect protagonist I never really found my way past the actor in that case. Full review here, in my watchlist thread.


By May be found at the following website: http://www.movieposterdb.com/poster/dcbbe13f, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=32461936

The Turin Horse - (2011)

Profoundly disturbing and brooding film about an old man and his daughter living their lives in a desolate place where the world is seemingly coming to it's end as basic elements are stripped away from them, and their horse refuses to eat, drink or move. Amazing long takes make up this absolute stunner of an artistic achievement. Full review here, in my watchlist thread.

Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Double Down (2005)

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The Tinder Swindler
By accident, I hit the Netflix button on my remote, and it worked (this time... even Prime had some similar glitch).. I searched, knowing if I exited, I might not ever use it again. Not a big deal, because it's not worth a penny a month, but I don't have cable, and I was tired of the Trump assassination stuff everywhere, so this was a distraction.. I've never used any of this bullshit. I don't have a "smart" phone and after seeing this, I really don't ever want to see anything current but I'm obsessed with "free" stuff that cost me a lot now that I think of it. This guy from israel just ponzi schemed women, one who falls in love, but no one is likable. Tossing 100k like it's nothing so they can take photos of caviar.

New York, I Love You, 2008

In this anthology film, various characters meet and interact in a series of stories all set in New York City.

I strongly disliked watching this film, and the few bright moments were not worth the slog. Given some of the people they had in the cast, the only word I can use is “unacceptable.”


The Founder (2017)

A really interesting movie, but the embellishment seemed to come through a bit heavy at times (though I'm not precisely familiar with the actual true story). More big names here than I would expect in a movie like this.

RIP www.moviejustice.com 2002-2010
I'm still processing the tragic events and am deeply saddened by evil we saw yesterday, so I treated myself to a trio of films today...each of which are wonderful films, all currently on Amazon Prime (which does have a good handful of classic films in their library)... two silly and fun satirical Marx Brothers films, and then a serious film... Humphrey Bogart's last film, which oddly enough I've only seen bits and pieces of, but never have sat down to watch it in its entirety. It's a dark and powerful piece of social commentary, and sadly there are so many people in the world... back then and today, just like the Rod Steiger character... but I know there are also people out there in the real world like the character Bogart plays too, which is silver lining and gives us hope.

The only complaint I have and it's nitpicky is that a person could have 25 thrown fights on their way to a heavyweight championship bout. That part of the story felt far fetched, but because of how the end of the film was handled, I was able to overlook that a bit and drop the suspension of disbelief. Bogart is probably our greatest movie star of all time... OK, not probably... IS. In terms of how active he was and how many great films he was in... he's tops, even edging out John Wayne for me. Sure I think there are better actors than Bogart, but he's our greatest Hollywood icon and representative of the medium of film as pure art and storytelling. Rod Steiger is so perfect too and the different styles play off perfectly on one another in The Harder They Fall. It would make a great double bill with On the Waterfront by the way, and I really do enjoy Bogart's last several years of films where he went more into social commentary and in more dynamic stories that what he did with the gangster films of the 1930s and the film noir/romantic leading man years of the early 1940s into the mid 40s... really possibly beginning with The Treasure of the Sierra Madre and then making great pictures like In a Lonely Place, The Harder They Fall, The Caine Mutiny, etc.

Oh and not to spoil the ending of a 70 year old film, but that very last sequence of shots where Bogart stands up to Steiger and announces his intentions to tell the world the truth... the way the camera lingered and how that was edited... I swear was to create tension that Bogart's character might be actually killed there in front of his wife or shortly after. I have a sneaking suspicion that it was deliberately written, directed, and edited in such a way that the audience knows that Bogart will never publish a single word and will be murdered after the credits role and maybe something like that couldn't be deliberately shown because of the MPAA Hayes code and audience expectation or something. Can anyone confirm or talk to this point? Did you get that impression too regarding the end of The Harder They Fall? I know there's a handful of die hard Bogart and classic Hollywood film fans here.

Duck Soup - A+
Horse Feathers - A
The Harder They Fall - A

"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
Top 100 Films, clicky below


2nd Rewatch...This 1967 Best Picture nominee was star Warren Beatty's first venture as
a producer and no doubt director Arthur Penn's masterpiece. This look at the legendary bank robbing couple might not be completely factual but is gloriously entertaining thanks to a literate and adult screenplay that addresses issues we don't see coming, including Clyde Barrow's impotence, the violence is unapologetically bloody and the performances are nothing short of spectacular. Beatty, Faye Dunaway, Gene Hackman, Michael J Pollard, and Estelle Parsons earned five of the ten Oscar nominations that the film earned and Parsons won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Love that first getaway scene with a hysterical Blanche running around screaming and when the gang take the Texas Ranger (Denver Pyle) hostage and pose him for pictures. This film also marked the film debut of Dunaway (who is superb) and a young actor by the name of Gene Wilder.

Umpteenth Rewatch...Have loved this movie ever since I was a kid. Oscar winners Jack Lemmon and Sandy Dennis star in this Neil Simon comedy about a married couple named George and Gwen Kellerman who fly to New York for an important job interview for George where everything that can possibly go wrong for them does go wrong. It stretches credibility a bit, but it's still very funny, with a masterful comic turn from Lemmon and a lot of familiar faces popping up along he way like Anthony Holland, Ann Prentiss, Graham Jarvis, Dolph Sweet, Paul Dooley, and Billy Dee Williams. The film was remade in 1999 with Steve Martin and Goldie Hawn, but it's not nearly as funny.

1st Rewatch... This is another one of those movies that can't decide if it's a sequel or a remake. Ed Helms plays a grown up Rusty Griswold. Chevy Chase's son in the original franchise, who has bored his own family to death with his own family vacations, so he decides to revive dad's legacy and take his family to Walley World. It's basically a rehash of the first film and not a very funny one.

Umpteenth Rewatch...This 1966 Best Picture nominee that put director Mike Nichols on the map is my 2nde favorite movie of all time that I first saw when I was in high school. This story of two very dysfunctional marriages that clash on one drunken night is just as powerful now as it was upon release. Nichols and all four leads were nominated for Oscars and Taylor and Dennis won. This once in a lifetime theatrical experience based on an Edward Albee play has to be seen to be believed. ..