The MoFo Musical Countdown - Group Watch

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That makes sense, but for me it didn't apply as I just finished watching Hans Christian Anderson for the first time and really enjoyed it. I'll write up a review tomorrow.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to reading your review.

I was trying to find a movie that I hadn't seen in a while so I wanted to rewatch it, but I also wanted it to be a movie that I rarely read about here on the forum. I was hoping that most people hadn't seen this or at least hadn't seen it recently.

It's kind of a bummer when you nominate a movie and you immediately read a bunch of comments from people who have already seen it and don't want or need to rewatch it. It just feels like a waste of a nomination.

I don't know what's worse, nominating a movie that most people don't want/need to watch, or nominating a movie that a bunch of people watch, but most people didn't like it.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I fear for MV's sanity at this point.
The great thing about Group Watch is that I don't actually have to watch everything that gets nominated. So yeah, I'm not watching this. That does mean that I'm not eligible to be picked to choose the next nomination though, and I do have a movie I really want to get people to watch.

Hopefully the next nomination will either be something I'm willing to suffer through or something I've already watched.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to reading your review.

I was trying to find a movie that I hadn't seen in a while so I wanted to rewatch it, but I also wanted it to be a movie that I rarely read about here on the forum. I was hoping that most people hadn't seen this or at least hadn't seen it recently.
I watched Carousel two nights ago and that was the second watch, the last time being a couple of decades ago...You might as well say I'd never seen it as I didn't remember a thing about it. For me even well known musicals are usually like a first watch as it's been that long since I first watched most of them.

It's kind of a bummer when you nominate a movie and you immediately read a bunch of comments from people who have already seen it and don't want or need to rewatch it. It just feels like a waste of a nomination.
I'm happy to rewatch any musical unless it's the rare one I don't want to see. I didn't want to watch Little Shop of Horrors but wanted to participate in the Group Watch and also wondered if my opinion of it would change, it didn't.

I don't know what's worse, nominating a movie that most people don't want/need to watch, or nominating a movie that a bunch of people watch, but most people didn't like it.
I was looking at some of the MoFo's Letterboxd accounts and I'm surprised how many well loved classical musicals get scored really low (OK, I was looking as Sean's Letterboxd, sorry bud!)...I'm betting that 'recency bias' will prevail in the countdown and many of the older classical musicals will do poorly. I wish Gideon58 would vote as he's a huge musical fan and well watched.

I watched Carousel two nights ago and that was the second watch, the last time being a couple of decades ago...You might as well say I'd never seen it as I didn't remember a thing about it. For me even well known musicals are usually like a first watch as it's been that long since I first watched most of them.
My mom was a big fan of musicals, so I grew up watching most of the old musicals. I've seen some of them so many times that it's hard to imagine that some people have never seen them, or even have only seen them once or twice.

I'm happy to rewatch any musical unless it's the rare one I don't want to see. I didn't want to watch Little Shop of Horrors but wanted to participate in the Group Watch and also wondered if my opinion of it would change, it didn't.
I'm trying to rewatch some of the musicals that I haven't seen more than once or twice, so I don't remember them as well as the old classics. I'm also trying to watch some of the newer musicals that I just haven't gotten around to seeing yet. (I'm hoping that this is where most of the nominations in this thread come from.)

I was looking at some of the MoFo's Letterboxd accounts and I'm surprised how many well loved classical musicals get scored really low (OK, I was looking as Sean's Letterboxd, sorry bud!)...I'm betting that 'recency bias' will prevail in the countdown and many of the older classical musicals will do poorly. I wish Gideon58 would vote as he's a huge musical fan and well watched.
Right now, it looks like most of my list will be the old classic musicals, but there are a few more recent ones that might sneak onto my list.

I think Gideon58 usually sends in a list for these countdowns, so I expect that he'll probably send one in this time too.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'

Hans Christian Anderson (1952)

I'd never seen this until the other night but I'm glad I watched it. I liked the fantasy type setting of rural Denmark and the tone of the movie which started out with Anderson (Danny Kaye) telling uplifting stories to the town's children. I equally liked how it changes gears abit and has Anderson in the big town of Coppenhagen falling in love with a ballerina who happens to be married. I won't go into details there but I thought how that love triangle progressed was quite satisfying. Loved the big ballet number of The Little Mermaid. This has been one of my favorite musicals I've seen in this group watch, the other being the vastly different Pennies From Heaven....Not counting my own musicals which I love of course

Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
I was looking at some of the MoFo's Letterboxd accounts and I'm surprised how many well loved classical musicals get scored really low (OK, I was looking as Sean's Letterboxd, sorry bud!)...I'm betting that 'recency bias' will prevail in the countdown and many of the older classical musicals will do poorly. I wish Gideon58 would vote as he's a huge musical fan and well watched.
I’m at right around a 50/50 split right now. Can you say the same?

In truth I don’t think they will do as poorly as you think, but not as well as you wish.

Didn’t she just pick the last one?
Whoops, you're right. I didn't realize that beforehand. Technically, the three candidates for the next round all nominated two films each, but I suppose it would be fair to give it to either Citizen or Allaby. Hopefully, gbgoodies is okay with that.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Citizen Rules, would you like to go next?
Well, I could go next but I'd be just as happy to let Allaby or GBG go again. Only problem though, neither are online right now, I just checked..So give me a few minutes and I'll PM you the next musical that everyone will love or not

Nomination #18

Grease 2 (1982, Patricia Birch)

Deadline to Watch It: August 6

Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
Oh boy. Sorry Citizen, it’s been quite a while but I did not enjoy this despite my fondness for the first. Actually, probably didn’t enjoy because of my fondness for the first.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to hate this - and I hate the original - but it’s recent enough and it’s available on Kanopy so I’ll give it a go.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Oh boy. Sorry Citizen, it’s been quite a while but I did not enjoy this despite my fondness for the first. Actually, probably didn’t enjoy because of my fondness for the first.
Yup I do think that's why people don't often like it because it's compared to Grease which they love. Despite the name Grease 2 it doesn't feel like a sequel or the same type of movie to me. Grease was firmly rooted in the 50s and while Grease 2 is set at the same high school only a couple years later it really has this 1980s vibe to it, despite the leather jackets and old cars. Especially the songs sound like 80s pop songs.

Allaby's Avatar
Registered User
So I watched Grease 2 today. I might have seen it once many years ago, but didn't remember it. I liked the original Grease and it is hard not to compare this one to the original. The original Grease is a much better film, more entertaining and fun. Even if I judge Grease 2 on its own, it still falls short. The cast looks too old for their roles. I might be able to let that slide, if the performances were more enjoyable. Michelle Pfeiffer is decent, but I felt Maxwell Caulfield was miscast and he wasn't interesting at all. The rest of the actors fall flat for me as well. Also, this movie feels much too long. It drags on and they should have trimmed at least 15 minutes from the runtime. I did like some of the songs though.

Well, I'm consistent.

Grease 2
(Patricia Birch, 1982)

Things I liked about this movie: Maxwell Caulfield looked pretty good as "Michael" - not Johnny Depp in Cry-Baby good, but pretty good.

Things I didn't like about this movie: Pretty much everything else.

I thought the songs were pretty terrible. The dancing was cringey. The characters' over-exaggerated accents and repeated mispronunciations were irritating ("albumens," ugh). The "tough guy" biker T-Birds were about the least intimidating tough guys I've ever seen - and could someone explain to me what is cool about a biker who doesn't have his own bike and instead rides in his buddy's sidecar? Also for being the "cool guys" the T Birds were pretty fugly and Goose in particular looked like he was pushing 35 (I know it's standard practice for adult actors to be cast as teenagers, but come on). I was bothered by the rapey overtones of the "Do It For Our Country" scene, which is played for laughs. I didn't for one second buy that a guy who looks like Michael would be othered and ignored as a "nerd" no matter how good he is at writing essays or what he knows about history and Shakespeare. And speaking of Michael, what the hell was that ending? I'm expected to be happy that the decent and smart guy is falling in with the loser T Bird squad? Yeah, no. About the only thing I liked about the ending was that it meant the movie was over.

What a mess.

Hans Christian Anderson (1952)

I'd never seen this until the other night but I'm glad I watched it. I liked the fantasy type setting of rural Denmark and the tone of the movie which started out with Anderson (Danny Kaye) telling uplifting stories to the town's children. I equally liked how it changes gears abit and has Anderson in the big town of Coppenhagen falling in love with a ballerina who happens to be married. I won't go into details there but I thought how that love triangle progressed was quite satisfying. Loved the big ballet number of The Little Mermaid. This has been one of my favorite musicals I've seen in this group watch, the other being the vastly different Pennies From Heaven....Not counting my own musicals which I love of course

I'm glad that you liked it so much. I wasn't sure how well liked this movie is because I rarely read anything about it here on MoFo. (I think I've only read one review of it since I joined this site.)

Danny Kaye is one of those actors that doesn't get enough credit, but he's so talented and so much fun to watch.

Didn’t she just pick the last one?
Whoops, you're right. I didn't realize that beforehand. Technically, the three candidates for the next round all nominated two films each, but I suppose it would be fair to give it to either Citizen or Allaby. Hopefully, gbgoodies is okay with that.
Citizen Rules, would you like to go next?
Well, I could go next but I'd be just as happy to let Allaby or GBG go again. Only problem though, neither are online right now, I just checked..So give me a few minutes and I'll PM you the next musical that everyone will love or not

I'm glad to see that you chose a different host for this round. Since I just picked the movie for the previous round, it wouldn't have been fair for me to pick twice in a row.