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Favorite Found-Footage Film


Found Footage != Found Footage Horror

Look at two defitions from RYM:

Films composed partly or entirely of external footage, that is film material, not created by the filmmaker or in purpose.
A subgenre of horror that uses mockumentary techniques, particularly shaky handheld camerawork, in order to create the sense that the film is composed of real footage that has been left behind by the people who recorded it, and later rediscovered by others.
Watch Lyrical Nitrate for a real found footage film.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

I am the Watcher in the Night
Great picks from all of you and the obvious choices are the correct choices so I can't really argue with any of them but the two movies that stand out for and have stood the test of time in terms of special effects are: Terminator 2 and The Matrix.

Let's start with T2, this was actually the first Terminator movie I watched and had yet to experience the far more chilling T1 (T12 is still the superior film though). Anyway, back on track, T2 showed on TV and my dad recorded, since it was shown past my bed time, I must have been 8 or so at the time and when I finally got to watch it, it totally blew my mind. The action was so visceral and the visuals were slicker than anything I had ever seen.

CGI wasn't the beast it is now and I think summer blockbusters have become diluted due to it's consistent and often unnecessary use but back then it was a novelty. The subtlety of use was also exceptional, giving the audiences just enough to make a world cyborgs seem realistic. The SWs prequels that followed can take a cue from Cameron and T2.

With The Matrix, I have the exact same feelings, clever and subtle use of CGI, crafting quite possibly the most stylish action movie of them all. Bullet time was given a major face lift and the fight scenes were dramatic and visually stunning. The sequels fell apart with the overuse of CGI, some of which just hasn't stood the test of time.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

Troll Hunter was good, the FX were absolutely fantastic, but the acting stunk and there were a number of unintentional laughs.

I didn't get the love for Paranormal Activity either.
They edited in a low tone rumble before something scary happens.
Surely to have it "found footage" then having a backing track defeats the object. It also removes all the tension. If they'd removed the edited-in rumble and got some decent actors on board, it would have been a lot better.
I rated the first two at 5% and 15%.

Best one I've seen is Blair Witch. Ok, it has a few faults but as a found-footage movie, it's on the money.
Next best, definitely Cloverfield. Although, like with Paranormal Activity, there is one scene in Cloverfield that has a backing track, which removes you from the scene.
It's the scene underground when they're walking through the subway tunnels, there's a quiet but high pitched tone that gradually gets louder.

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For me, that's an easy one: Blair witch proj. That's also one of my favorite horror movies ever.

Rec 1, 2 and Cloverfield are also great, but beyond these, i haven't watch many found footage movies.

Creep (2015)

I can only think of 4 that I like. [Rec], The Blair Witch Project, Cannibal Holocaust, and V/H/S/2. I haven't seen the first VHS movie. They are all different types of the "found-footage" genre, and they are all examples of the correct way to do the genre.

Yay! I was worried that nobody else was going to mention the V/H/S series. None of it is A-tier, but it's great 'popcorn horror', that often has many unique and surprising twists.

Yeah, a lot of it is hit or miss, but I'll go to bat for the series as a whole. V/H/S 94 and V/H/S 1985 are probably my picks for the best, despite them being late entries in the series.

I also think the first Blair Witch Project deserves more love. Yes, every attempt to make a sequel or video game has paled in comparison, but the original still works for me.

Finally, As Above So Below is a favorite of mine. I think it's an underrated gem.

Paranormal Activity is good, but overrated. I definitely like the alternate ending better.

Does Host (2020) count? Because that movie was fantastic, and was not ashamed to clock in at a tight 60 minutes.

I loved it, and of course that's why they had to cancel it, but I had no problem with the way the story ended.

I'd have to go with The Blair Witch Project too. Was extremely suspenseful.

For a more typical found-footage film, and one that probably kick-started the whole craze:

The Blair Witch Project
I've seen the movie get a lot of hate on this forum, but I love it. I was a kid when it came out, and everyone at school was convinced that it was real. I love the ambiguity of it, how all the questions remained unanswered: Is it really a witch? Are the woods haunted? Or is it just a group of twisted locals f**king with them? Probably the biggest reason I find the movie terrifying is because I used to live in a very rural area, surrounded by woods. This film made me afraid to venture into those woods when I was a kid. I also think the film should serve as inspiration for any aspiring filmmakers.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi​

My favorite is the OG, The Blair Witch Project. I had the privilege to interview co-creator Eduardo Sánchez for my podcast last year. If anyone is interested, here is the link. We talked a lot about the film, his work, and we end up sharing our Top 5 Found Footage films.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!