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THE 3RD HALL OF INFAMY: Infamy Rises Again


Eating tuna out of a can while driving? Man, I did not expect to identify with this protagonist.

Also, I love how everything he says sounds like a guy at a bar just making crap up to sound impressive. "Oh, yeah, I have many army medals for being amazing. You know satellites? Yeah, I invented those."

I forgot the opening line.
Eating tuna out of a can while driving? Man, I did not expect to identify with this protagonist.

Also, I love how everything he says sounds like a guy at a bar just making crap up to sound impressive. "Oh, yeah, I have many army medals for being amazing. You know satellites? Yeah, I invented those."
Oh, that tuna spillage. Those cans!

With this character, it's the first time I've heard someone claim they've won all the medals. I guess you retire once you've done that. You've beaten the system.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Double Down (2005)

I never thought I'd see the day that my policy of celebrating equal-opportunity nudity would bite me, yet here we are.

*fiance is shot*
*camera shot of obviously wound-free back*
*main character so upset he has orgasm*

Also, the framing of that scene made me viscerally uncomfortable. Did they only get permission to film in the corner of the sauna?

Also, the framing of that scene made me viscerally uncomfortable. Did they only get permission to film in the corner of the sauna?
That was SO awkward. My assumption was that they were trying to avoid showing the woman's chest, but somehow couldn't manage to find an angle that looked like two normal people having a conversation.

(This SOB just cured brain cancer while I typed that)

That was SO awkward. My assumption was that they were trying to avoid showing the woman's chest, but somehow couldn't manage to find an angle that looked like two normal people having a conversation.
The editing in that scene is amazing.

Close up: facing each other full on.

Long shot: huddled in the corner to hide boobs and bits, making it impossible to look at each other.

That was SO awkward. My assumption was that they were trying to avoid showing the woman's chest, but somehow couldn't manage to find an angle that looked like two normal people having a conversation.
Also, if you can't actually show the nudity, what was the point of them being naked? Did Breen assume that we wouldn't get that they sometimes do sexy things if we don't see them literally unclothed.

And this just happened:

One positive I see so far, whether this was the intention or not, the entire first 16 minutes seems like one whole scene. Very unique pacing style.

One positive I see so far, whether this was the intention or not, the entire first 16 minutes seems like one whole scene. Very unique pacing style.
The continuity is something else. Given how so little is happening and the relentlessness of the narration, I still feel like I'm on the opening monologue.

It looks like this computer genius's brilliant idea of finding the terrorists involves walking through the desert aimlessly and resting on the ground by his car.