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La Dolce Vita 1960

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Is this worth almost three hours? It's been on the watchlist for years.

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Is this worth almost three hours? It's been on the watchlist for years.


I must admit I was very intrigued with this movie so much that I saw it twice in two days. But the beginning of the end with Fellini and degeneracy. Kind of a degenerate movie.


I must admit I was very intrigued with this movie so much that I saw it twice in two days. But the beginning of the end with Fellini and degeneracy. Kind of a degenerate movie.
What about 8 !/2 (1963) ?

Couldn't stand that movie
50s Fellini is great, though
I thought you were a big fan of all these Italian movies.


First watch in... 2014? felt like a massive discovery; one of the most different and liberating things I had seen. The structure, the cinematography, the ladies... loved them all. Last re-watch in 2022 (whew) gave me this existential punch in the gut, one whole day later...
It's terrifying.

HEI guys.