Do you think retired actors watch their old movies?


Does Gene Hackman ever sit down and watch The French Connection? Does Robert Duvall watch Apocalypse Now every so often?

Nice thread.

I love to think they do.

I've wondered this actually about Marisa Berenson. She lives in Marrakech I think.

Why wouldn't you?

Nice thread.

I love to think they do.

I've wondered this actually about Marisa Berenson. She lives in Marrakech I think.

Why wouldn't you?
it may not mean that much to them. they might just see it as a job.

it may not mean that much to them. they might just see it as a job.
'The ball is over', Cardinale wrote after Delon's death, 'Forever your Angelica'

I think they could certainly watch them if they are so inclined.

And if they're not, they won't

Can't wait for the follow-up thread, "Do you think retired directors watch their old movies?"

Can't wait for the follow-up thread, "Do you think retired directors watch their old movies?"

What's wrong with this topic?

What's wrong with this topic?
I'm just kidding!

i think it would be kind of difficult after you get to a certain age.

Trouble with a capital "T"
i think it would be kind of difficult after you get to a certain age.
Yeah, I think you're right about that. Also like Gideon mentioned, I've read interviews with actors and a surprising number of them don't like to watch themselves on the screen.

Isn't Robert Duvall still working?
i am not sure. i had assumed he was at this point

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I think it's sad that some actors don't get to see some great movies just because they don't want to watch their own movies.
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