The Rings of Power (Prime)


The Guy Who Sees Movies
Agreed. Perhaps it is just my particular YouTube filter bubble, but on this particular show, I had seen multiple thumbnails float by decrying the total decimation of the LotR mythos in regards to this show. Rhetoric such as "Rings of Power is Abysmal! Goes woke and goes Broke!" or things of that nature. I don't click on this stuff, but it at least had me wondering if the show was a train wreck, which so far, it isn't. I presume the stuff appears on my feed in general because I do tend to watch some fairly right-leaning programming on the platform, and perhaps that is their target audience with all this stuff.

I try to avoid hit pieces on stuff I haven't seen yet, if only to avoid potential spoilers. Considering this show, and a week or two ago the Predator prequel Prey, I am thinking most of this stuff is clickbait, perhaps posted by people who haven't even seen the material in question.
The unfortunate thing about these comments is that often they ARE from people who have attitudes, are ignorant and often are quite unintelligent. They are not comments you'll see here, but you will see on the huge torrent of bile, Facebook, but I've seen some from people that I actually "know" and they approach these movies as though they are additional books in the New Testament. It's important to them that their characters not violate the rules that they believe in, that it all fulfill their version of the story. I don't get it, but I do see it.

For the record, for me, it's just a movie, not the fulfillment of my view of the universe. I've seen thousands of them, this is yet another.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I'm enjoying it so far, cultural additions or changes notwithstanding.

If I hadn't been exposed to those same "Woke! Oh no!" headlines before watching--if I could have actually gone in without any outside bits coming into my brain--I would likely have thought to myself early on, "Oh, look, some of the early hobbits are different colors." Or, "That's interesting--a Black elf."

Then I would have completely forgotten it and continued watching, since that really doesn't seem to factor into my viewing decisions much if it's done by casting directors but doesn't otherwise need to be part of the story. (In other words, there aren't racial/color tensions in this show. The "races" aren't all humans of different colors. They're different races of *creatures* and colors within their ranks are varied. I'm okay with that.)

I do love the source material, and I'm sure Tolkien would say a lot about the European influences that don't seem to be there as much in this new series... but I'm enjoying it, and I'm happy to be back in the LOTR world in general. So sue me.

This far:

As a Tolkien adaptation: 0/5
As generic run-of-the-mill fantasy mumbo-jumbo: 2.5/5

The first episode is still the high point. I really hope they manage to stop the slide.

i was going to watch it but wasnt fan of lords of the rings :/ i been watching house of the dragon it looks better then this show *

I started the first episode of this series when it first came out, and got quickly bored, so I stopped watching. Heard much good and bad about it. When seeing its nominated for various Emmys I decided to give it another go.

And Im glad I did! I must have been in a bad mindspace when first viewing it years ago. Yes it starts slow but the best stories mostly do. It's beautiful. As impressive visually in its own way as Foundation is on Apple TV+. Just starting season 1 episode 2

A system of cells interlinked
I started the first episode of this series when it first came out, and got quickly bored, so I stopped watching. Heard much good and bad about it. When seeing its nominated for various Emmys I decided to give it another go.

And Im glad I did! I must have been in a bad mindspace when first viewing it years ago. Yes it starts slow but the best stories mostly do. It's beautiful. As impressive visually in its own way as Foundation is on Apple TV+. Just starting season 1 episode 2
Both of these shows trash the source material so much, I just couldn't get myself to enjoy either one. I agree they both look amazing, but all that glitters is not gold. They both feel like big money production fan fiction written by people who have a deep disdain for the original material.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Both of these shows trash the source material so much, I just couldn't get myself to enjoy either one. I agree they both look amazing, but all that glitters is not gold. They both feel like big money production fan fiction written by people who have a deep disdain for the original material.
Ugh! I got the exact opposite impression. They seemed to put more thought and care into this spinoff than most all of the endless spinoffs churned out the past 10 years from other genres.

I thought the The Rings of Power weren't based off any direct source material but picked up a bit here and there and clumped it together. I haven't read any of the books but my son did loan me The Silmarrillion.

I read the first paragraph and it sounded so much like The Bible.