Revenge on Neighbour


NY apartment. 1980s? Man is there at the invitation of a woman. She interrupts the conversation to bang on the wall of her apartment. He asks why. She says it's revenge for the recent period of disturbance when the neighbour had some building work carried out.

Now I first thought this might have been "How to lose friends and alienate people" but I've recently checked and the scene doesn't appear, though it would suit the movie. I then watched "After Hours" - not there either, although there is a moment when I was absolutely convinced that Terri Garr was the woman to do it. She never did. Then Catherine O'Hara looked like she might do it. But she didn't.

Please help me identify the movie. My new neighbour is has just told me he plans to do some building work/renovation. I want to warn him in a friendly way to keep the noise to a minimum...

Might not even be a movie - could possibly be an event in Seinfeld ?

Or Curb Your Enthusiasm... Sounds like a very Larry David type thing

"In the water I'm a very skinny lady"
It might even be an episode from Mad About You. The Buckman's never got along with the British couple living in the apartment next door.

Not sure if anyone can mention him these days but Louis CK sounds a possibility ?

Walter, I have some good and bad news for you.
Good news: My upstairs neighbour recognises this scene and knows the movie!
Bad news: Unfortunately she can't remember the title...

But she promises to try harder and will let me know. She has a similar problem with the guy on the top floor above her. And she says that next time he disturbs her sleep on a Sunday morning by drilling and banging doing DIY she will definitely remember.

Registered User
Are we certain this is definitely a movie, not an episode of a TV series?

It might even be an episode from Mad About You. The Buckman's never got along with the British couple living in the apartment next door.
IMO, quite likely.

It's not exactly as you describe, but there an episode of Friends where Rachel and Monica bang on the ceiling in revenge for the upstairs guy constantly complaining about their noise by banging on the floor.

What you're describing sounds familiar to me, but for some reason I'm picturing a woman picking up a broomstick to bang on the ceiling, which may be stuck in my mind because of the Friends episode. Maybe Lucy (I Love Lucy) did something like this?