The MoFo Top 100 Musicals Countdown

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What Yoda said. I haven't seen The Prince of Egypt in decades of couse (which is why I don't blame myself too much) but damn I can hum every song, most of them simply too epic for this Dreamworks classic to be left out.
HEI guys.

Who's the best female dancer in Hollywood movies? I know who I'd say.
I'm guessing you'd say Cyd Charisse.

I was watching one of those Matt Helm movies (don't remember which one)... and it had this lady performing on stage = totally hot beyond belief, long hair, longer legs. I was like: who is this hottie? Turned out it was Cyd Charisse looking better than she ever did (and here I thought her heyday was over by the mid 60's).

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

The Prince of Egypt didn’t make my ballot but makes my top hundred musicals for sure. Love both Whitney and Mariah however that "When You Believe" song was so overplayed back in '98/'99. It still gets played on some stations to this day. Nevertheless, classic film and song.

SEEN 1/8
BALLOT 00/25

The Prince of Egypt didn’t make my ballot but makes my top hundred musicals for sure. Love both Whitney and Mariah however that "When You Believe" song was so overplayed back in '98/'99. It still gets played on some stations to this day. Nevertheless, classic film and song.

SEEN 1/8
BALLOT 00/25
Wait, you've heard it on the radio? Closest I ever got was Christina's Reflection! If I heard it on the radio as a kid, I'd remember it the way I remember Elton's Circle of Life.

Wait, you've heard it on the radio? Closest I ever got was Christina's Reflection! If I heard it on the radio as a kid, I'd remember it the way I remember Elton's Circle of Life.
Not only radio, back then the video got a lot of tv/airplay on multiple MTV type television channels over here.

The Prince of Egypt is probably the very first "religious" film I'd recommend to someone who isn't religious. I have several atheist friends who love it.
Am atheist, definite non-fan of religion, can confirm it's a quality musical.

Cuz I voted for it.

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RIP 2002-2010
The Smiling Lieutenant was my number 25. It's a great film and joyous and clever as are Lubitsch films. The "Jazz Up Your Lingerie" number gets most of the attention, but my favorite is "Breakfast Table Love" which I was going to post here, but I can't find it on youtube. But yes, it's a great pre-code musical film.
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RIP 2002-2010
I haven't seen The prince of Egypt.

On the Town is good, but it didn't make my ballot.
I need to watch On the Town. I haven't seen it and don't think it's on Criterion Channel or youtube.

Since my random shuffle at work played a lot of Johnny Cash today, I went ahead and watched Walk the Line. The movie's perfectly acted, and I'm quite fond of Cash music. But I found the movie to be standard biopic fare. It's a shame. I was really hoping I'd love it.

Seen: 3/8

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Yes, your reply was kind of "on the fence" as to whether or not TV versions of musicals were eligible, but another MoFo, (who I won't name), but someone who has been here a long time, has hosted one of these countdowns, and seems to know the rules, messaged me telling me that TV movies were not eligible.

So I trusted this person's reply and removed all the musicals from my list that would have been ineligible.
Was that me who messaged you? I honestly don't remember if I messaged you and said TV movies weren't allowed, but if I did and I got that wrong I apologize.
No, it wasn't you.

It was probably me, and I would only have said that because television movies have never, ever been eligible in any of the other previous (are we up to twenty-five of these) MoFo Lists. Apparently this one is different. Yippee?

Yes, Holden, it was you. But I'm not upset or annoyed about it. I specifically didn't mention you by name because I wasn't trying to blame you. I only mentioned it because it's one of the reasons why that version of Cinderella didn't make my list.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
For what it's worth, I think Thursday Next is doing an excellent job and made the right decision to allow a broader definition of musicals. Had she been hard core and only allowed the narrowest definition of what is a musical...the number of ballots would've dropped considerable. A lot of MoFos don't care for musicals and might have boycotted the countdown or not been able to make a ballot had the rules been really tight. Each countdown is different and Thursday made the right choices to make this countdown happen.

And if a few movies make the countdown that some feel aren't musicals, well that happens with every countdown an adds to to the uniqueness, it's MoFo tradition

I agree that @Thursday Next is doing a great job.

It's obvious that we don't all agree on the definition of a musical, so the best decision was to allow people to decide for themselves how broad they wanted to make their lists. I think it makes for a much more interesting countdown when there's a better variety of movies.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
The Prince of Egypt is a good movie with some good songs, but I'm not usually a fan of religious movies. (However if Brian Stokes Mitchell had sung a few more songs in the movie, it might have had a chance to make my list. He has such an amazing voice. I would listen to him if he sung the phone book. )

I love Gene Kelly, and On the Town is a fun movie with some great song and dance scenes, but most of the songs are the type of songs that are great in the movie, but I don't enjoy them as much if I just listen to the soundtrack. My favorite musicals have songs that I can listen to anytime, over and over again, so this movie didn't make my list.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
Who's the best female dancer in Hollywood movies? I know who I'd say.
I mean, my first instinct is Ginger Rogers and my second instinct is Cyd Charisse and my third is probably Vera-Ellen. After that I'll have to do some thinking.
You got all three of my favorites right but not quite in the order that I like them. IMO, Cyd Charisse was the best dancer in Hollywood movies, though Vera-Ellen is my favorite dancer and Ginger Rogers is my favorite partner for my favorite male dancer, Fred Astaire.

I'm guessing you'd say Cyd Charisse.

I was watching one of those Matt Helm movies (don't remember which one)... and it had this lady performing on stage = totally hot beyond belief, long hair, longer legs. I was like: who is this hottie? Turned out it was Cyd Charisse looking better than she ever did (and here I thought her heyday was over by the mid 60's).
I've seen all of the Matt Helm movies but I can't recall Cyd Charisse in one of them, it must have been a brief appearance. I agree if anything she got more attractive as she got older, a very classy lady and a good actress too. I always enjoy watching her films.

Cyd Charisse, with Ginger Rogers as a close second.
I wish I could've seen more Ginger and Fred movies before I sent in my many musicals that I just couldn't watch them all. But, I'm still watching musicals and just watched On the Town tonight.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'm guessing you'd say Cyd Charisse.

I was watching one of those Matt Helm movies (don't remember which one)... and it had this lady performing on stage = totally hot beyond belief, long hair, longer legs. I was like: who is this hottie? Turned out it was Cyd Charisse looking better than she ever did (and here I thought her heyday was over by the mid 60's).
I've seen all of the Matt Helm movies but I can't recall Cyd Charisse in one of them, it must have been a brief appearance. I agree if anything she got more attractive as she got older, a very classy lady and a good actress too. I always enjoy watching her films.

Cyd Charisse was in The Silencers (1966), which was the first Matt Helm movie.

I'm guessing you'd say Cyd Charisse.

I was watching one of those Matt Helm movies (don't remember which one)... and it had this lady performing on stage = totally hot beyond belief, long hair, longer legs. I was like: who is this hottie? Turned out it was Cyd Charisse looking better than she ever did (and here I thought her heyday was over by the mid 60's).
Cyhd Charisse danced at the beginning of The Silencers