The Glass Wall (1953): the hownos/Allaby viewing session
→ in The Glass Wall
was the cab driver Eddie?? looked like him
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Great speech:
Somebody - somebody listen. You... you come here to bring peace to the world but what is the world? As long as there is one man who can't walk free where he wants, as long as there is one displaced person without a home, there won't be peace because to each man, he is the world. Nobody listens.
Somebody - somebody listen. You... you come here to bring peace to the world but what is the world? As long as there is one man who can't walk free where he wants, as long as there is one displaced person without a home, there won't be peace because to each man, he is the world. Nobody listens.
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This was quite good. Great performances, well written, and engaging with excellent cinematography. 8/10 is my rating. (although I don't know if this is truly film noir)
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a movie with a message
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Absolutley. It worked really well for me.
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have you seen man on a tightrope from the same year?