Ninja Movie


Registered User
Hello! In the 90s when I was living in Europe I watched a movie about ninjas. They were in a city and were organized society living in secret. At the end of the movie the protagonist escapes. The final scene shows a docked ship in a harbor and police cars begin arriving and start fighting with the ninjas. The premise being that now that the police knows about them, the ninjas will be defeated.

I watched this movie around 1995 on a satellite channel that was Turkish (the channel was Turkish, I believe the movie was American). One more thing that I remember about the movie is that the ninjas had colorful and different uniforms - white, red, etc depending on the work that they do.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

American Ninja appears to have ninjas wearing different colored uniforms. There are 5 of the American Ninja movies in the series, so it might be one of those.

The doors of wisdom are never shut. - 'Socrates'
Ill throw 'Sakura Killers' out there as it has ninjas wearing colourful uniforms.
Did you know that BATMAN has a code word to ask SUPERMAN for help because he has trouble saying he needs help.
The word is Banana Muffin.

Registered User
It's neither of these, unfortunately, although they all looked promising. It's probably some obscure TV movie that I won't find. Thank you for the suggestions, everyone!

3 Ninjas has them fighting on a boat/ship with cops showing up at the end. Also, American Ninja 3 has them fighting on a boat and different colored suits and the last scene is police show up and are fighting the ninjas.
You can't raise your voice when the lion gets here man.