The Penguin (Colin Farrell) Max


Having re-read your posts, it does appear that my initial impression of your arguments were accurate, that you were speaking in support of John's points. The particular objection is related to violence against women and how that is depicted in the show. You would prefer if it were not shown on screen, and you don't think that showing the violence against the women onscreen is necessary to tell the story, as the same events could still have happened, but not be shown in the same way. I think we are likely not going to agree on this, and that there won't be a lot of value in continuing to make the same points over again. Given what you shared in the other thread, I don't want to contribute to making your life any more stressful than it already may be, so I think I'm going to bow out of this thread for now.

Wow, the series is solid. This is Richard III meets The Godfather with DC universe as the backdrop.

This is up there with the first series of The Wire and True Detective.

I have a new respect of Farrell and props to Milioti for nailing her role. Great character piece.

The Penguin is absolutely amazing. Loved the first season to death.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi​

Liked Matt Reeves' film overall, loved The Penguin (especially the last three episodes).

My two cents:
HEI guys.