The Bishop's Wife (1947): the hownos.Allaby viewing session
→ in The Bishop's Wife
Although this film has some good looking stars in it, the best looking one in the cast is the dog.
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How would you compare this to It's A Wonderful Life?
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"All the stockings are filled... all that is, except one. And we have even forgotten to hang it up. The stocking for the child born in a manger. It's his birthday we are celebrating. Don't ever let us forget that. Let us ask ourselves what he would wish for most... and then let each put in his share. Loving kindness, warm hearts and the stretched out hand of tolerance. All the shining gifts that make peace on earth."
Great final lines.
Great final lines.
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My review
Another annual re-watch (one of the three Christmas movies I watch each year). Comparable to It's A Wonderful Life from the year before and A Christmas Carol . It's just not as dark as either of these as no one in this movie is as desperate as George Bailey or Scrooge but it works on many fronts and strikes all the Christmas themes. Grant is charming and annoying at times as Dudley, the angel. Niven is great as usual in his use of subtle humor. Loretta Young is probably underused somewhat. Love the comedic relief provided by the professor and taxi driver.
The movie is famous for the ice skating scene but my favorite scene is the boys choir scene. A very good Christmas fantasy movie with a great uplifting ending. 7.5/10
Another annual re-watch (one of the three Christmas movies I watch each year). Comparable to It's A Wonderful Life from the year before and A Christmas Carol . It's just not as dark as either of these as no one in this movie is as desperate as George Bailey or Scrooge but it works on many fronts and strikes all the Christmas themes. Grant is charming and annoying at times as Dudley, the angel. Niven is great as usual in his use of subtle humor. Loretta Young is probably underused somewhat. Love the comedic relief provided by the professor and taxi driver.
The movie is famous for the ice skating scene but my favorite scene is the boys choir scene. A very good Christmas fantasy movie with a great uplifting ending. 7.5/10