Gimme your best "X director's best isn't his most revered" movie.


This is inspired by how I'm seriously preferring Repulsion over Chinatown and Rosemary's Baby. Also, gonna cite Babylon and Chazelle's best, and that's probably my most controversial one.

RIP 2002-2010
Tarantino's most revered is Pulp Fiction, but his best is The Hateful Eight.
"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
Top 100 Films, clicky below

I don't actually wear pants.
My favorite Hitchcock is Suspicion. Yes even over every single one of his Big Four.

For Kurosawa I vote Ran as his #1 over Seven Samurai.

The Orson Welles production I love most is Touch of Evil instead of Citizen Kane.
I destroyed the dastardly dairy dame! I made mad milk maid mulch!

I hate insomnia. Oh yeah. Last year I had four cases of it, and each time it lasted three months.

Chimes at Midnight is better than Citizen Kane.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

The best Coen Brothers movie is "O Brother Where Art Thou".

Ingmar Bergman's best movie is "Persona".

I know we're talking about directors, but I'm gonna play fast and loose with the rules and include an actor:

Nicolas Cage's best movie is "Bringing Out the Dead".

Looking over my lists, I pretty much fall in line with the majority, a director's tops are tops for good reason. But I'm kind of weird with Scorsese - I have Raging Bull out of the top 10, and I don't really care much for Goodfellas. I'd rather watch the King of Comedy (my #1), Age of Innocence and Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore.

That was the only directors list I've ever posted, that came with a warning about the non-traditional rankings. (I didn't want anyone going into shock when they read it. Ha!Ha!)
Completed Extant Filmographies: Luis Buńuel, Federico Fellini, Satyajit Ray, Fritz Lang, Andrei Tarkovsky, Buster Keaton, Yasujirō Ozu, Carl Th. Dreyer - (for favorite directors who have passed or retired, 10 minimum)

Looking over my lists, I pretty much fall in line with the majority, a director's tops are tops for good reason. But I'm kind of weird with Scorsese - I have Raging Bull out of the top 10, and I don't really care much for Goodfellas. I'd rather watch the King of Comedy (my #1), Age of Innocence and Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore.

That was the only directors list I've ever posted, that came with a warning about the non-traditional rankings. (I didn't want anyone going into shock when they read it. Ha!Ha!)

King of Comedy is also my favorite Scorsese movie. Taxi Driver and Bringing Out the Dead are the next two.

I agree that Goodfellas is a bit overrated. It's still good, but I think people focus a bit too much on Pesci's performance, and forget that the last half hour isn't that great.

Watching Schindler's List again..I actually found it fairly uneven might not even be top five for Spielberg. Catch Me if You Can on the other hand might be one of the last American classics.

The trick is not minding
King of Comedy is also my favorite Scorsese movie. Taxi Driver and Bringing Out the Dead are the next two.

I agree that Goodfellas is a bit overrated. It's still good, but I think people focus a bit too much on Pesci's performance, and forget that the last half hour isn't that great.
I’m more the opposite. I prefer Goodfellas and Taxi Driver over King of Comedy, which I only found ok anyways. I much prefer After Hours

I've seen After Hours and it didn't click with me. It was well made and memorable, but it's the kind of 'comedy' the Coen Brothers keep releasing. Where a guy has a lot of bad qualities, but is still somewhat sympathetic, and terrible things keep happening to them. I just don't find them meaningful or funny.

Of course there's only a fine line between that premise and the King of Comedy's, so I get what they're getting at. Perhaps it doesn't click with me unless the main characters are as absurd as the situation. The protagonist of After Hours just seems like a normal shitty person.

I've seen After Hours and it didn't click with me. It was well made and memorable, but it's the kind of 'comedy' the Coen Brothers keep releasing. Where a guy has a lot of bad qualities, but is still somewhat sympathetic, and terrible things keep happening to them. I just don't find them meaningful or funny.

Of course there's only a fine line between that premise and the King of Comedy's, so I get what they're getting at. Perhaps it doesn't click with me unless the main characters are as absurd as the situation. The protagonist of After Hours just seems like a normal shitty person.
The Green Knight is basically After Hours.

The Green Knight is basically After Hours.

That is true.

Maybe it's as simple as "I just don't like Paul from After Hours, nor do I find it funny when he's tormented". He just doesn't work for me.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
I usually feel like I can't answer questions like this because I tend not to like The Greatest Movies/Directors of All Time very much anyway.
Most people's greatest directors aren't the ones that I usually like....You could give your favorite movie from the directors that you do like.

I don't actually wear pants.
Sometimes though I don't know what my favorite filmmaker's "Best" film is. My favorite from Tim Burton is Big Fish. Is that the usual selection? Or is it usually like Batman or Edward Scissorhands or something else? I really have no idea.

My favorite Miike film is 13 Assassins. It's an atypical Miike film although it's considered one of his best. Is it renowned as his best?

The Coen Brothers film I like best is No Country for Old Men. I guess that's an atypical choice?

Watching Schindler's List again..I actually found it fairly uneven might not even be top five for Spielberg.
Uneven how?