“I agree on Munich.”
Munich is definitely one of Spielberg’s best films. I would argue it’s also his most mature, even more than Schindler’s List.
“All of the changes made for Lord of the Rings from book to screen made the movies disastrously awful. I've not seen such messy garbage that people love that ruined such a great story. The books are excellent; the movies are trash.”
Funny, everything you just said about the LOTR films is what I think of Jackson’s Hobbit films.
IMO, the LOTR movies are phenomenal. Yes, the books are better because they’re literary masterpieces, but in some ways, the movies actually improved on the books. For example, Jackson, Walsh, and Boyens streamlined the narrative. Also, by getting rid of Tom Bombadil and creating an inner conflict within Faramir regarding the One Ring, they fixed a problem I’ve always had with the books.
“Shakespeare In Love deserved Best Picture.”
I don’t think SIL deserved to win BP, but I do it’s a terrific film and much better than its reputation would suggest. Also, Saving Private Ryan is a bit overrated. It’s greatness mainly lies in its hyper-realistic battle scenes; the actual plot is meh.
“Is it controversial to say Gone With the Wind is a bad film?”
I don’t think it’s controversial, but such a statement seems a bit of a head-scratcher. With that being said, a lot of people think GWTW is a racist film. I can see that, but I would argue that in some ways, the movie was racially progressive for its time.