Do you still have a home phone?



When I started my current job (back in 2005 ), I did not have a cell phone. I finally got one a couple of years ago, but I like being unreachable to the people I don't want to reach me - specifically my employer ("Oh, you called? Sorry, I wasn't home."). So my close friends and family members have my cell phone number, but as far as my boss knows my cell phone does not exist. He can call me on the home phone and leave a message if he wants to reach me outside of work hours.

Honestly though, if I actually am home then the house phone is the best way to reach me. I don't keep my cell phone on me when I'm home and it's usually in my bedroom where I won't hear it if I'm somewhere else in the house.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
home phones here require a high speed internet connectuon.
Very good guess! That's the reason. I have DSL and I called to cancel my land line and was told, 'no land line no internet', so I'm stuck with a land line. Which is OK because I don't answer the phone anyway

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Yep, a landline. When there is an electricity cut on our street it still works.
Yup that's what I like about a landline it still works with no power. A mobile phone would still work too when electricity is out of course.

Mine doesn't work when the power is out.
That's because it's cordless, that's what we have too and when power goes out I unplug it and plug in an old phone like this

Yup that's what I like about a landline it still works with no power. A mobile phone would still work too when electricity is out of course.

That's because it's cordless, that's what we have too and when power goes out I unplug it and plug in an old phone like this
Yes, the mobile phone works when the power is out. Home phones like mine connected to a modem won't work when the power is out. Home phones run on the old analog system will stills works when the power is out.

Do you still have a home phone?
Yes, but we rarely use it. We only have it because we get a lower price on cable TV and internet by including the phone too. (We live in a co-op, so they have a special price for everyone in our co-op. It would cost us more money if we got rid of the phone.)

We don't give that phone number to anyone except family.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I don't actually wear pants.
When I am home, so is my phone.
I destroyed the dastardly dairy dame! I made mad milk maid mulch!

I hate insomnia. Oh yeah. Last year I had four cases of it, and each time it lasted three months.

Yup that's what I like about a landline it still works with no power. A mobile phone would still work too when electricity is out of course.

That's because it's cordless, that's what we have too and when power goes out I unplug it and plug in an old phone like this
We still have a landline for our security system. Three cordless phones in the house. I see no point in upgrading something we’ve had forever. And when Frontier phone is down we can call them on our cell phones. Husband has a smart phone & I have a small flip top phone.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.


I was slightly nervous when I first moved out on my own because I'd be using a cell phone as my only phone line (and back then this was far less common), but it turned out fine and a couple of decades later I've never had reason to pay for a landline.

The Adventure Starts Here!
When we got rid of Comcast Voice as part of our triple package (TV, internet, landline), we were already Xfinity Mobile customers for our cell phones. We're allowed to have 5 lines/numbers, so we switched our landline phone number (which has been my husband's landline phone number for probably 50 years or more since his grandmother originally had that number) to a cell phone on the Mobile account. So, no more landline and we could nix the Voice part of our Xfinity/Comcast package.

But the one big plus we hadn't realized at first is that now we can take that cell phone with us when we travel. So we don't miss calls to that number if we're not home. (Granted, we've switched nearly all our contact info to our personal cell numbers, including doctors' offices, etc., but a few calls still come in to that old landline number.) And we don't have to maintain a separate data account since Xfinity Mobile allows four of our five cell lines to share data, paid by the GB each month (which usually amounts to 1 GB since the phones use WiFi nearly all the time), for $15/GB. Inexpensive!

The one (slight) downside is that, if we're not near wherever that cell phone is, we now miss calls more often. We used to have a cordless phone system with five extensions in various places around the house. But, since nobody important uses that number anymore, it's not a hardship.

The Adventure Starts Here!

I was slightly nervous when I first moved out on my own because I'd be using a cell phone as my only phone line (and back then this was far less common), but it turned out fine and a couple of decades later I've never had reason to pay for a landline.
You're not missing anything. That, and a cable TV package. (Still trying to talk Wayne into letting go of cable TV in favor of a la carte streaming services and channels. He watches the same 3-4 channels on cable anyway!)

We cut the cord on cable a year or two ago and only "wish" we had it a few times a year, at most. Saving a lot of money that way and wish I'd done it sooner.