Comics to movies???


Conformist's Avatar
Thats because movie companies just want to get the movie out and make money, they dont taek the time to go in depth, I mean honestly Daredevil is a good attempt at a great comic, but sadly they failed, I mean if they do a comic movie it shouldnt be just one movie, its should b more than that, why do u think that the Spider Man and X-men serries are soo popular cuz its more than one movie. Some people just dont understand!
This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time!

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Originally Posted by Conformist
why do u think that the Spider Man and X-men serries are soo popular cuz its more than one movie. Some people just dont understand!
i like it when they deepen the story too, in time... like they did with Batman and all those scenes about the murder of his parents etc. the same could have been much better made for such a deserving character like DD, yep!
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

Conformist's Avatar
Yeah I think thats why I liked Spider-Man and X-men much more , cuz they actually went indepth, where as in DareDevil, and Hellboy they just cut right to the chase! I mean they didnt go in depth with Hell Boys Childhood, there is allot there, it was just like he was raised by the old man and started to fight evil, allot happend b 4 he was part of that guild!

Registered User
I just want to ask you why terminators be nude when they appear? Did the actors really be nude when they acted this part? When they are nude, the screen doesn't show the whole body, but part of the body, when it shows the whole body, it must be not clear for us to see. Why? attract us?

Registered User
why batman kill joke so that he can be safe for ever? Why not Robin be the leader? He's more vigorous than batman, though he's a bit rash.
why all the scientists want to be monster? Just because there is spiderman in this world?
Stan Lee makes the world horror.

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Originally Posted by Weibin
Stan Lee makes the world horror.
trying... but i don't get it!

Skiny White Film Fan
please stop

Constantine was a good recent comic adaptation (imo of course) I believe a trilogy is planned because it was pretty much well recieved, but Keanu definatly got slammed.

Well I thought that Spiderman was good...but there are just so many now. It's like a fad. I'm kinda looking forward to Fantastic Four though.

on a related note, what comic do you absolutely want to be made into a film?

for me it's:

Green Lantern
Justice League
any title which features Deathstroke the Terminator as a villain

I love comics and love the fact that so many are comming out. There are some that I rather not see (Sub Mariner/Elektra/), but as long as they keep pumping them out, i'll be there.

Batman Begins was great. I'm so glad Chris Nolan did not go the campy route, not that I ever for one second thought he would do that. Out of all the superhero films, this one took itself the most serious.

Fantastic Four will probably be almost identical to Spiderman. It's going to be non stop action with one-liners, bright colors, and just an overall good popcorn movie...nothing more. Not that i'm criticizing it.
"I have to return some videotapes" Christian Bale - American Psycho

End the trend with Superman!