Two 9/11 movies to be made


Sir Sean Connery's love-child
I know there was a thread recently on whether 9/11 movies should be made, despite several reservations, Hollywood is to produce 2 9/11 movies in the coming year.

First up is " 102 Minutes " based on the book by Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn.
The story follows the events from 8:46 a.m when the first plane hit, until 10:28 a.m when the first tower collapsed.
A script is in the final stages by writer/director Billy Ray. whom previously directed Hayden Christiansen in " Shattered Glass ".

Next up is an as yet untitled Oliver Stone/Nic Cage film based on 2 police officers trapped in the rubble of Tower One with their oxygen running out.
Cage will play either Will Jimeno or John McLoughlin, and the film will revolve around their rescue attempt.

Full version can be read at
or at

I smell possible Oscar nominations, maybe that's a little cynical, but time will tell.
Hey Pepe, would you say I have a plethora of presents?

Toga, toga, toga......

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?

I hope they don't leave out the bit with the donkey.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Watching over your shoulder
I'm not sure making one movie about it so soon is such a good idea, let alone two. Well... if Oliver Stone is behind one, it might be worth a look, but dwelling on the subject, at least to me, is not something good. Also I belive that it will only bring the prepetrators of those hideous acts to glorify themselves over it. 'It did have enough impact for them to make two movies about it at once! It worked!'

Makes me somewhat sad.

I'm not sure making one movie about it so soon is such a good idea, let alone two. Well... if Oliver Stone is behind one, it might be worth a look, but dwelling on the subject, at least to me, is not something good. Also I belive that it will only bring the prepetrators of those hideous acts to glorify themselves over it. 'It did have enough impact for them to make two movies about it at once! It worked!'

Makes me somewhat sad .
Agreed with you

Originally Posted by The MoFo Movie Blog
Stone to Direct WTC Film

Nearly four years after the collapse of the World Trade Center, Oscar-winning director Oliver Stone will direct a film based on the story of two police officers who were trapped in the rubble on Sept. 11, 2001.

Nicolas Cage, who won a best-actor Oscar for "Leaving Las Vegas," will star as Port Authority police Sgt. John McLoughlin. McLoughlin and fellow officer William J. Jimeno became trapped during rescue efforts after the collapse of the twin towers.

Paramount Pictures said the movie is expected to be released next year.

"It's a work of collective passion, a serious meditation on what happened and carries within a compassion that heals," Stone said in a statement Friday. "It's an exploration of heroism in our country - but it's international at the same time in its humanity."

Paramount said the film also will focus on the officers' rescuers and their families. McLoughlin and Jimeno are said to be the last two men rescued.

For the rest of the article click here.

Source: Aiken Standard (Associated Press)

Posted by jrs on Jul-09, 4:51 pm

So technically the paramount one is about 2 police officers and not specifically the event itself - I would be okay with that.

Here to support the villians.......
I would go and see it but what are the chances that Stone causes huge amounts of contraversy with it and upsets a few people?
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist

all-starballer's Avatar
Im asian and you how hard it was for me to go see Pearl Harbor at the movies, and now its going to be very hard for every person living the US to see this movie.