Napolean Dynamite

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The accusations fly
Napolean Dyamite is funny in a different way. It's the type of funny that comes from deep inside--ii's almost like a dry slapstick-- the movie is understated humor-which is harder to pull off that exaggeration.

Registered User
Originally Posted by MysticalMoose
I am so confused on why so many people liked this movie. For a week I heard from all females "Oh my god! Did you see napolean dynamite?". My response: "What the hell is napolean dynamite?". So I paid my lost 6 dollars and saw the movie. For a comedy its a shame that a man rarely cracks a smile. My standards are set high of course, but honestly, does anyone else know that this movie even exists, and if so, enjoyed it?
I would have to agree with ya. I thought this movie lacked entertaining value. I thought it was so bad, I actually turned it off an hour into it.

You have yet to see my masterpiece
Originally Posted by MysticalMoose
I am so confused on why so many people liked this movie. For a week I heard from all females "Oh my god! Did you see napolean dynamite?". My response: "What the hell is napolean dynamite?". So I paid my lost 6 dollars and saw the movie. For a comedy its a shame that a man rarely cracks a smile. My standards are set high of course, but honestly, does anyone else know that this movie even exists, and if so, enjoyed it?
It is your fault for having high standards then goign to see a move with absouatly no plot and a waste of tim eand money

Originally Posted by John_Doe
It is your fault for having high standards then goign to see a move with absouatly no plot and a waste of tim eand money
It's not his "fault" at all. The film received mostly favorable reviews and had strong word-of-mouth.

That is because it was a good movie. Funnier than stale bread it is...
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

The Adventure Starts Here!
I still think it's just hilarious, so there. I didn't discover the whole last post-credits scene at the end till about the third viewing, so that was a fun discovery.

I found myself laughing most at some of the less obvious stuff. Subtle works well for me: the weird semi-'80s hairstyles on the girls, Uncle checking his biceps in the fast-food joint. Little touches like that just have me howling every time I watch that movie.

It might be a case of tastes, though. I know a few people who otherwise have great senses of humor (admirably so) who disliked or even hated movies like "Raising Arizona." That totally floors me, but I guess it's possible. I try not to hold it against them.

it sucked so0 many people kept saying that it was awsome and funny and that if you dont see it than your stupid and i still refused to see it and than my sister sat me down and made me watch it and it was awful i didnt laugh once it had no plot oh wait it did have a plot the plot was it had no plot and now their going to make a sequal god someone save me what happened to good movies

Originally Posted by moviemaker3191
it sucked so0 many people kept saying that it was awsome and funny and that if you dont see it than your stupid and i still refused to see it and than my sister sat me down and made me watch it and it was awful i didnt laugh once it had no plot oh wait it did have a plot the plot was it had no plot and now their going to make a sequal god someone save me what happened to good movies
Well, at least proper English usage and sentence structure are alive and well!
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by UrgeOverkill
Napolean Dyamite is funny in a different way. It's the type of funny that comes from deep inside--ii's almost like a dry slapstick-- the movie is understated humor-which is harder to pull off that exaggeration.
Bingo. It's a film about absurdity in real life. It's a very close look at a person most of us would blow past every day and never notice. And it holds up normalcy as something attractive, which is pretty rare at the movies. I thought it was very funny, but then I'm prone to appreciating absurdity. It's unavoidable, so you might as well enjoy it, right?
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

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I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Well, the first time I watched it I thought it was lame. My husband loved it, however, and made me watch it again, and I found it much funnier the second time. Yes, it's stupid, Napoleon is not an entirely sympathetic character and the kookiness is kind of self-conscious. But it is funny.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Originally Posted by moviemaker3191
it sucked so0 many people kept saying that it was awsome and funny and that if you dont see it than your stupid and i still refused to see it and than my sister sat me down and made me watch it and it was awful i didnt laugh once it had no plot oh wait it did have a plot the plot was it had no plot and now their going to make a sequal god someone save me what happened to good movies
I was just going to ask the same thing about good punctuation.

I really thought this movie was awful. I don't see why people love it so much. I really hope that new movie they are coming out with flops.

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
Hoping a movie flops?
Aren't you just a little ray of sunshine.
Haha, sorry I just really thought that Napolean Dynamite was awful and I don't think i can stand another movie like it to become popular and hear everyone reciting the terrible lines from the movie

Wouldn't it be better if you just stopped following me around???

I was actually talking about Nacho Libre with Jack Black.

Originally Posted by
I was actually talking about Nacho Libre with Jack Black.
Oh, because when mentioning ND and then "the other movie", it made me think of the movie also starring Jarod Hess