Movies You Avoided Seeing (for various reasons)


Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
I finally saw Million Dollar Baby. It wasn't as gut-wrenching as I anticipated. It did TRY to be as gut-wrenching as I anticipated, which made it much less so. 8/10 Great performances.
finally someone who wasn't blown away by this movie...

Three very good movies that I put off seeing: Jaws, Forest Gump and Training Day. At the time, I just had no interest in them. I finally saw them because of their reputations and was very glad I did.

I still haven't completely learned that a movie's subject matter doesn't always define how good the movie will be. In fact, the subject matter may be quite a ways down on the list of things that make a good movie.
My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

I boycotted King Kong last year.
I dislike Jackson, and his terrible approach towards classic cinema. He remade King Kong! Which was bad enough. But the way he did it.... wow. I'd rather pretend it doesnt exist.
"Our father, who art in heaven, Harrowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, On Earth as it is in Heaven!"
-- Randy Twiss as Quasimodo changing a tyre... singing the Lord's prayer.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
For the longest time, I didn't want any part of The Shawshank Redemption, just didn't look like it was going to be a good movie. Then one day I was flippin through channels and it was on, so I watched it, and haven't stopped watching it yet.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

I have always avoided and continue to avoid seeing Napoleon Dynamite if I want to see ****. I will watch a documentry on the bowels.

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Sotto_Voce
I boycotted King Kong last year.
I dislike Jackson, and his terrible approach towards classic cinema. He remade King Kong! Which was bad enough. But the way he did it.... wow. I'd rather pretend it doesnt exist.
So, if you haven't seen Kong, please explain what his terrible approach to classic film is. I see no possible referent for your argument, as he hasn't approached anything but Kong, as far as classics go. Meanwhile, Koing had a few warts, but otherwise, was a fantastic watch with some great performances. Give it a shot, then hate on it if you want!
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Atlas
I take this is an american site .. sorry guys its my fault where i live in the world laws for copyrights in the USA don't effect me and the rest of society .. as for pirates .. yes there steal, lie, kill but there people too ..
USA laws? Sorry, but they are also Interpol laws, as the warnings you don['t read state, and yes, they absolutely apply to you. Read the warnings on your pirated copies, unless they were removed.

Originally Posted by Atlas
but honestly .. really thinking about it piracy isn;t that bad .. think of the return the films already making our of merchandise, cinema, DvD's etc .. there pockets are filled to the brim .. and on top of all of that they sue $20'000 each pirated film .. you realise how much that is in total .
I have really thought about it, and yes, STEALING, which is what you are talking about, is bad. At least that is what I was taught. Pirates are people with eye patches and limes that search for treasure and sruff. Thieves are people that take things that don;t belong to them. Big difference. Who sues what now? Stop with the straw men.

Originally Posted by Atlas
listen the point i'm argueing is yes your all in america .. for a film over there to reach my country it takes at least 1 to 5 months after release in the states ... a further year is added to Dvd etc .. so my point i'm stressing is i enjoy films jsut as much as you.. and the industry isn;t dying at all so whats the harm in a few thousand foriegner downloaded a few films .. i guarrentied some of you have done a worse crime than that.
No, we aren't all in America, with dozens of members from countries like France, England, Croatia (hi Adi!), Australia, Canada, Brazil, Japan, China, Germany, Sweden, and many others represented here. Also, a few thousand people downloading? I'd like you to present the statistic that shows that number, as there isn't one.

Whether or not to steal, has nothing to do with how many people do it, how easy or hard it is, how much the real deal costs, or how long it takes to release the item in a place in the world. It is simply a moral choice people make. I am not judging here, just pointing some stuff out. Do what ya want, but recognize what it is.

Ok, I have reasons for not seeing King Kong. One is, I'm not the greatest fan of remakes, and the 1933 King Kong happens to be one of my all time favourite movies. So obviously, I'm going to be a little upset over it. However, that's not really enough to pretty much pretend it doesnt exist.
My main beef with the movie is that its such an in-your-face blowout Hollywood movie, whereas the original is a statement against Hollywood. Surely if the original has taught us anything, its that modesty in presentation will always last. And Peter Jackson's "bigger and better" approach makes this a movie people are going to look back on and puke at how terrible it looks. Even in its contemporary release, it has that overdone, frosted videogame look.

I'm not saying it should have been done in stop-motion animation... I'm actually saying it shouldn't have been made at all. But if anything, a little respect for the original could have gone a long way. I mean....... some things I have heard are: Kong does sign language. Ann Darrow doing the cha-cha, Ann Darrow actually trying to protect Kong. All this contradicts what the original was about. And since that movie is very close to me, I didnt agree with what the remake set out to do. Which was to retell the story in an (what is my opinion) inferior way. Dont get me wrong, I'll see it sometime. I just made my decision not to contrubute to a giant splash at the box office. Which it didnt end up doing anyway.

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Sotto_Voce
Ok, I have reasons for not seeing King Kong. One is, I'm not the greatest fan of remakes, and the 1933 King Kong happens to be one of my all time favourite movies. So obviously, I'm going to be a little upset over it. However, that's not really enough to pretty much pretend it doesnt exist.
My main beef with the movie is that its such an in-your-face blowout Hollywood movie, whereas the original is a statement against Hollywood. Surely if the original has taught us anything, its that modesty in presentation will always last. And Peter Jackson's "bigger and better" approach makes this a movie people are going to look back on and puke at how terrible it looks. Even in its contemporary release, it has that overdone, frosted videogame look.

I'm not saying it should have been done in stop-motion animation... I'm actually saying it shouldn't have been made at all. But if anything, a little respect for the original could have gone a long way. I mean....... some things I have heard are: Kong does sign language. Ann Darrow doing the cha-cha, Ann Darrow actually trying to protect Kong. All this contradicts what the original was about. And since that movie is very close to me, I didnt agree with what the remake set out to do. Which was to retell the story in an (what is my opinion) inferior way. Dont get me wrong, I'll see it sometime. I just made my decision not to contrubute to a giant splash at the box office. Which it didnt end up doing anyway.
Fair enough, but this film took the story and made it it's own, while preserving much of what made the original 1933 version tick. Jackson has stated the film he has the most respect for, that is really his favorite, is King Kong, and he approached it well I think. I actually skipped this film in the theater, because I didn;t think he needed to remake this classic, either. I am so glad he did!

Before passing judgement, I ask that you give it a shot, take it for what it is 9cha cha and all), and then post some thoughts about it. Believe me, the film had it's share of detractors on the site before it's release, and many of us came away from the experience pleasantly surprised. I think you might be, as well. Now, the 70s version.... is a different story....

Also, Jackson keeps the same views on Hollywood, and show-biz and show-biz people, that were contained in the original.

I flatout refuse to see the aviator, for obvious reasons.
I used to like Steven Segal movies but I stopped watching him 3 movies ago.
Gort! Deglet ovrosco!

So, here are some newer films I'll probably never see:

American gangster - because it's getting lukewarm reviews and I've developed a definite disliking towards Washington. The same goes for The great debaters

Beowolf - because the suckyness will apparently make your eyes bleed. The same for The Golden Compass.

3:10 to Yuma - because I'm not a fan of westerns and it would take a near masterpiece to make me wanna watch them. This apparently ain't it.

P.S. I Love You - I saw a trailer for this twice, and it made me want to commit suicide...or kill someone, either way, something violent might happen if I was to be made to watch it in its entirety. And this comes from someone who doesn't dislike romantic comedies...or whatever this is meant to be.

P.S. I Love You - I saw a trailer for this twice, and it made me want to commit suicide...or kill someone, either way, something violent might happen if I was to be made to watch it in its entirety. And this comes from someone who doesn't dislike romantic comedies...or whatever this is meant to be.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

I've avoided seeing any of the Saw films... mainly because, judging by the trailers and reviews, they are not the type of film I find entertaining as much as disturbing...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I've avoided seeing any of the Saw films... mainly because, judging by the trailers and reviews, they are not the type of film I find entertaining as much as disturbing...
Don't bother Caity I have seen 2 and that is 2 too many

I am burdened with glorious purpose
I've avoided seeing any of the Saw films... mainly because, judging by the trailers and reviews, they are not the type of film I find entertaining as much as disturbing...
Oh god, me, too. I have no desire to see them and wow, I'm not sure any film has spawned speedier sequels than this one!

There are many films I avoid seeing so the list is rather long. But the one Oscar winner I've avoided is The English Patient. I've rented it twice and never watched it. I have no idea why I avoid it.

And I was going to respond to the King Kong/Peter Jackson debate when I realized those posts are two years old! Many of the threads here last a really, really long time!

(I was going to say that I think Peter Jackson is a god.)

I am half agony, half hope.
I haven't seen lots of movies because they didn't grab my attention or I just didn't get around to them when they were out in theaters and forgot about them when it went to DVD.

I have no interest in seeing Borat, Napolean Dynamite, Raging Bull or Ray.

That might change later, but there are so many more movies I'm looking forward to watching that I can't foresee when that might be.
If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise.

Johann von Goethe