Ooh, I like this thread. And, look! It's got Yoda in it too!!
Hehe. Good to see you again, Peter.
You're right, that is a good thing. Too bad everything else in Iraq went exactly as how us who were skeptical about the war expected it to go.
It is too bad. Then again, we all know it's a hard fact of life that there is always a great price for things like this. You can't put a price on human life, or suffering, but you can't put a price on human freedom, either. Just goes to show how many impossible philosophical questions the war raises.
Anyway, my comment was a bit pithy, I admit, but it was shorthand for a larger point, which is that, given enough time, people tend to think that the loss of life involved in freeing people is worth it in the long run. I don't know if this is fair or true, and I'm sure that, to some families, it isn't much comfort. But it is worth considering, especially today, where people seem intent on drawing conclusions in months rather than years, or years, rather than decades.
Is Condoleezza going to run?
She's denied it repeatedly, and I certainly believe her.
She'd be such a bizarre candidate! Neoconservative foreign policy, African-American, a woman, and pro-choice. Utterly unique. What an incredible woman.