What do you watch on T.V.?
all my shows r done
but i started to watch On The Lot
and next week im going to watch Pirate Masters
before they finished i watched: Familyguy, The Bachelor, American Idol, Lost, Ugly Betty, Ghost Whisperer
but i will get those shows back, but O.C is gone forever

and next week im going to watch Pirate Masters
before they finished i watched: Familyguy, The Bachelor, American Idol, Lost, Ugly Betty, Ghost Whisperer
but i will get those shows back, but O.C is gone forever

Last edited by Movie_watcher_18; 05-26-07 at 03:19 PM.
There are some shows that I never EVER miss.
My favorite T.V. show as of right now, is That 70's Show. I absolutely love that show. (Never got into the spin-off about the 80's) I watched the special last night about the voted best episodes...funny, funny stuff.
I also make a point to catch:
The Daily Show
Biography (when it's someone interesting)
Designer's Challenge
Sponge Bob Square Pants and Dextor's Lab
tell me your favs
My favorite T.V. show as of right now, is That 70's Show. I absolutely love that show. (Never got into the spin-off about the 80's) I watched the special last night about the voted best episodes...funny, funny stuff.
I also make a point to catch:
The Daily Show
Biography (when it's someone interesting)
Designer's Challenge
Sponge Bob Square Pants and Dextor's Lab
tell me your favs
I don't watch any new tv shows. It seems like I only get into shows after they come off air and I end up having to watch reruns.
I'm obsessed with Friends. I bought the box set and my god I've seen all the episodes at least 3 times. And my guilty pleasure is America's Next Top Model because I get a kick out of watching Tyra Banks acting like Oprah to bitchy (but pretty) wannabe models. Ooh and I'm starting to get into Gilmore Girls.
I'm obsessed with Friends. I bought the box set and my god I've seen all the episodes at least 3 times. And my guilty pleasure is America's Next Top Model because I get a kick out of watching Tyra Banks acting like Oprah to bitchy (but pretty) wannabe models. Ooh and I'm starting to get into Gilmore Girls.
I am HUGE into Entourage. I am starting to get into Big Love a little bit. Also, John from Cincinnati has been pretty good. I guess I am a fan of HBO shows.
"Aim high, it costs no more to shoot at eagles then it does to shoot at skunks"
"Aim high, it costs no more to shoot at eagles then it does to shoot at skunks"
Trailer Park Boys, As The World Turns, Forensic Science shows, Frasier, Prison Break, Kids In The Hall, Little People - Big World, Untold Stories of the E.R, I Shouldn't Be Alive, Degrassi, Judge Judy, Junk Brothers, Seinfeld, Billable Hours, Welcome Back Kotter, The Wonder Years.
Favorite Movies
User Lists
i watch:
The Simpsons
Family Guy
Gossip Girl
Pushing Dasies
Private Practice(now and then)
Men In Trees ( " " )
Greys Anatomy
Ugly Betty
Ghost Whisperer
*i also am watching reruns of That 70's Show when i can*
The Simpsons
Family Guy
Gossip Girl
Pushing Dasies
Private Practice(now and then)
Men In Trees ( " " )
Greys Anatomy
Ugly Betty
Ghost Whisperer
*i also am watching reruns of That 70's Show when i can*
South Park is really the only show I try to make sure I see. I don't watch much tv.
"The whole world is a circus if you know how to look at it."
"The whole world is a circus if you know how to look at it."
Favorite Movies
User Lists
Family Guy
American Dad
Pushing Daisies
Bionic Woman
There's nothing usually on at all on Fridays or Saturdays (which is good since those are my 2 days off work) but I usually download South Park, Stargate Atlantis, and The 4400 every week since the Canadian channels are 6 months to 2 years behind on them (and yet we get Pushing Daisies a day earlier than ABC).
Oh yeah and Lost whenever that returns and I'll be checking out the new Sara Connor Chronicals Terminator series once that starts too.
Family Guy
American Dad
Pushing Daisies
Bionic Woman
There's nothing usually on at all on Fridays or Saturdays (which is good since those are my 2 days off work) but I usually download South Park, Stargate Atlantis, and The 4400 every week since the Canadian channels are 6 months to 2 years behind on them (and yet we get Pushing Daisies a day earlier than ABC).

Oh yeah and Lost whenever that returns and I'll be checking out the new Sara Connor Chronicals Terminator series once that starts too.
Fear the Probe!
Fear the Probe!
Chuck, Heroes, Reaper, Dr. Who (start soon), Flash Gordon, South Park, BSG
"As I was walking up the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd go away."
-From Identity
"As I was walking up the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd go away."
-From Identity
Favorite Movies
User Lists
I watch House, Family Guy, Criminal Minds, The Simpsons, Daily Show, Colbert Report, South Park, The Office and Scrubs.
"I know, honey. Look at the map. We go your way, that's about four inches. We go my way, it's an inch and a half. You wanna pay for the extra gas?"
"I know, honey. Look at the map. We go your way, that's about four inches. We go my way, it's an inch and a half. You wanna pay for the extra gas?"
Favorite Movies
User Lists
Lifetime's show Army Wives is back this Sunday night at 10 for a new season. I can't wait for that and.....Ice Truckers the show on the History channel is also back this Sunday but at 9. Two awesome shows to watch on Sunday!
ahhhh that's what i wanted to see! MY stupid tivo didn't work and i missed army wives due to being at a wedding.. =/ can anyone tell me what happened?

The only two scripted shows that I make an effort to watch every time they're on are 30 Rock and The Office. 30 Rock is by far the best program on network American television. It's top-notch. And the quality of the americanized Office has leap-frogged it's British counterpart, at least in my eyes. Those are two really fine shows NBC has going on Thursday nights.
I also check out Saturday Night Live, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Pushing Daisies, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report and Jimmy Kimmel Live from time to time. But, yeah, not religiously. I'm especially burnt out on Pushing Daisies, but I feel like I have to see that thing through to the end. And, of course, I mix in a steady diet of cable news and ESPN.
The one show that I'd really like to get into is Mad Men, but I'm afraid it won't live up to all the hype.
Favorite Movies
User Lists
South Park
Packed to the Rafters (aussie TV show)
Border Security (aussie TV show)
Nothing is realy good on. House is on, but i get bored watching it.
The Strip (Australia's verson of CSI Miami. It is exactly the same exept set in Australia)
What ever movie is on - applys for saturday also
Rove (Australia's verson of Lettermen)
NOTE: When i had cable %90 of the TV i watched was American. But since i got rid of it i have commericial TV. In Australia we have laws saying that %50 of all prime time programs must be Australian.
When i had cable is used to watch:
King of Queens
Family Guy
King of the Hill
There are others but i CBF saying them.
South Park
Packed to the Rafters (aussie TV show)
Border Security (aussie TV show)
Nothing is realy good on. House is on, but i get bored watching it.
The Strip (Australia's verson of CSI Miami. It is exactly the same exept set in Australia)
What ever movie is on - applys for saturday also
Rove (Australia's verson of Lettermen)
NOTE: When i had cable %90 of the TV i watched was American. But since i got rid of it i have commericial TV. In Australia we have laws saying that %50 of all prime time programs must be Australian.
When i had cable is used to watch:
King of Queens
Family Guy
King of the Hill
There are others but i CBF saying them.