The Machinist

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I watched this film yesterday. I really enjoy it but i would like to watch it once again. You have to be very careful when you watch this movie.

The Machinest is different, I thought it was good...showing yet another side to Christian Bale's talent.

Christian Bale was extraordinary in this film. He did what no other actor did before in film, and that is to drop such a vast amount of weight to play a role. Even Deniro hasn't done such a feat. The movie was dark, but brilliant.

everything you stated i beleive to be very true. its such an astounding piece of cinema that everyone in my opinion should watch it. christian bale is fast becoming the best actor of this time.
I completely agree. I think he is a wonderful actor, and this movie provides yet another example of that.
I actually rented The Machinist a few years ago, simply because he was in it, and I figured it had to be good; of course, it was.
It's a shame to find that many people (at least those I have talked to) have never heard of it or have never seen it, but I suppose that happens to films that travel outside the realm of American mainstream.

Banned from Hollywood.
average on the first sitting, then on second and third sitting fell in love with it..for more info on my thoughts for the movie see, my 100 all time fave movie list, which is further down the movie reviews section..

I completely agree. I think he is a wonderful actor, and this movie provides yet another example of that.
I actually rented The Machinist a few years ago, simply because he was in it, and I figured it had to be good; of course, it was.
It's a shame to find that many people (at least those I have talked to) have never heard of it or have never seen it, but I suppose that happens to films that travel outside the realm of American mainstream.
It's actually a very well-known and popular movie, especially among the legions of Baleheads.

I want to see it.
I was recently in an independent comedy-drama about post-high school indecision. It's called Generation Why.

See the trailer here:

It was one of his best movies, up there with American Psycho and Equilibrium.
But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet, Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. W.B. Yeats

I think this was like the top 5 movies I've seen this year. Good psychological plot. i need to watch it again too

I thought it was above-average but not great. It benefited greatly from Bale's expert performance. As far as the twist goes, it was nothing special.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

I didnt like it. looks like it would be better than it is.

I liked The Machinist and all that particular director's films up until Vanishing on 7th, which was only average. I especially enjoyed Transsiberean.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I liked The Machinist and all that particular director's films up until Vanishing on 7th, which was only average. I especially enjoyed Transsiberean.
I really liked Transsiberian too, but Vanishing on 7th Street is well below average; it's pretty darn bad. I've seen The Machinist, but for what ever reason, I barely remember it.

I really liked Transsiberian too, but Vanishing on 7th Street is well below average; it's pretty darn bad. I've seen The Machinist, but for what ever reason, I barely remember it.
Considering what hollywood produces, I'd say it was average.