Movies with great Photography


Overall great photography: Sharpness, Light, Composition and Theme.
Some of these movies are shot so beautifully, you forget they are old movies.
It also depends on the Cinematography the Director chose to go with.
I personally prefer to mention the ones with "natural" cinematography, like:

-Lawrence of Arabia (Maybe the best?)
-The first 3 Indiana Jones movies
-The Shining
-Alien & Cowboys (I didn't like the movie, but photography was awesome)
-Most James Bond movies.
-Dr. Strangelove
-Ingmar Bergman's Wild Strawberries
Honorary mention: Gone with the wind(Those painted backgrounds are not perfect for today's standards but the photography is awesome!)

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Days of Heaven (loved the movie from 1978 through at least September 18. 2011)
The Innocents
Barry Lyndon
The Duellists
Easy Rider
My Father's Glory
The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea
The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
A Matter of Life and Death
The Red Shoes
Black Narcissus
Gone With the Wind

The final four may be too highly-stylized, but give 'em a shot.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

If I understand the thread correctly, we're being asked to exclude choreography and camera movement from consideration, but even so I still highly recommend Soy Cuba* for its amazing dramatic use of environmental effects (smoke, flying dirt and debris, water, plants, curtains and other obscuring objects in the compositions.

I'll also second Lawrence of Arabia, Days of Heaven, Barry Lyndon, and The Red Shoes, and add:

Drowning by Numbers
Three Crowns of the Sailor (pretty much any photography by Sacha Vierny)*
In the Mood for Love*
The Grapes of Wrath*
Othello (1952)
Floating Weeds*
Picnic at Hanging Rock*
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (fantastic use of light and color)
Man Without a Map

*"realistic" photography.

Seriously, there must be a dozen threads on this. Do a search before starting a new thread.

black swan...