Do you like Movie Tagline ??


Hello everyone, first treat so be kind with me . Here we go !

i would like to talk about movie tagline, you know this little sentence that try to convince us to see a movie. As Americans or English, you have better tagline than us in France, besides people are not aware of them. And you ? Are you looking at them ? Do you like them ??
What are your favorite movie tagline ? Do you think it's important fo you to have movie tagline on poster ??

Mine are "Erin Brockovich" "She brought a small town to its feet and a huge corporation to its knees."
Forrest Gump "“The world will never be the same once you've seen it through the eyes of Forrest Gump”
Alien “In space, no one can hear you scream”
Robocop "Part Man. Part Machine. All cop"
Titanic (yup^^, that's the first tagline i've read and that makes me love them): "Nothing on earth could come between them"
Armageddon : "Earth it was fun while it lasted"

I have al lot more but i think i will stop at six...for now

I love this little sentence,i even decided to do my thesis on this subject, that's why i need your help my dear english people . I'm also making a little survey, i hope i could give it to you when it will be finished, I need your point of view to compare with french people.

But first let's go back to the game. What are your favorite movie tagline ??

Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. - The Shawshank Redemption
When a naked man is chasing a woman through an alley with a butcher's knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross!

Thanks for the reply . This one is wonderful just like the movie. I love how drama movie use powerful tagline that stay stuck in our mind like Gladiator : What we do in life echoes in eternity

Ps : love your signature

Smells mystical, doesn't it?
Rat Man: The critter from the shitter.

Hey! Leave me out of this!
Let's talk some jive.

Hi guys, well i dunno if it's good to put this here (if it's not i truly apologize), but i finally made my survey (well 14 questions) for my thesis. So if you have 5 minutes to fill the survey, it would be very helpful for me !!! Thank you in advance

Seven deadly sins. Seven ways to die. - Seven

I don't really care about taglines, but two that I think work best (or that I can think of atm) are "In space, no one can her you scream", which has already been mentioned and "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water" from Jaws 2. That tagline is actually more effective than the film, IMO.

I've always found the Crank 2 tagline humorous in how completely nonsensical it is:

"He was dead... but he got better."

Possibly the worst tagline ever(?) But still, I enjoy it.

Possibly the worst tagline ever(?)

Ape: "Not To Be Confused With King Kong"

Home On The Range: "Bust A Moo"

Yogi Bear: "Great Things Come In Bears"... like, ew!

I Was A Teenage Werewolf: "The Most Amazing Motion Picture Of Our Time"... yes, it really did have that as the tagline.

I stand corrected.

I Was A Teenage Werewolf: "The Most Amazing Motion Picture Of Our Time"... yes, it really did have that as the tagline.
I have seen this. Well, the MST3K episode in which it appears. It is in fact, not the most amazing motion picture of our time. But one has to give the marketing department (or more likely, the two guys in a shed somewhere) credit for thinking big.

I've always found the Crank 2 tagline humorous in how completely nonsensical it is:

"He was dead... but he got better."

Possibly the worst tagline ever(?) But still, I enjoy it.
That's awesome.

I also liked Kill Bill Vol. 2...

''She deserves her revenge... and we all deserve to die...''

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Not a tagline exactly, but I can't stand movie trailers that start with "In a world....", or "Meet...."
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?: You are cordially invited to George and Martha's for an evening of fun and games.

Lolita (1961): How did they ever make a movie of Lolita?