Video Games That Should Be Made Into Movies


Here's why these games and who should star in them

Dues Ex series
Thief series
Mass Effect
Portal 2
Fall-Out 3
Metro 2033
Red Dead Redemption
The Oregon Trail

Deus Ex series - This is in planning stages right now to be turned into a film, based on the Human Revolution game.
Human Revolution was an okay game. The movie should be based on the first game Dues Ex Conspiracy

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Half Life
Metal Gear
Bioshock for the win.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Wow! They're great games. I like Fall Out 3.

If someone does Street Fighter right, I'd be ready to die a happy man.

Few others:

Metal Slug - 3D animated action film, should be filled with adult cartoon violence.
Commandos - The strategy game series.
Stalker - With Guillermo Del Toro as the director.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Heavy Rain, directed by David Fincher.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

If someone does Street Fighter right, I'd be ready to die a happy man.
Street Fighter by JJ Abrams.

I think a version of Mortal Kombat with a decent director would be good.
Paul WS Anderson is abysmal with everything he touches... Mortal Kombat based on the games, like an actual story like the games are, now that would be worth the ticket price.

What about some even older oldies, Contra, Castlevania, or even Montezuma's Revenge.

I'm mean, after all, there was a G. I. Joe movie?

GI Joe was toys though.

I'd think Castlevania could be good. All suits of armour and stuff.

Maybe a proper Zelda movie could be a money spinner. Based off the SNES version of course.

I still have my old Gameboy and Link's Awakening too... still prefer the SNES version though.
That SNES game took me a year to complete. Compared to modern games that last two or three days at the most...

Maybe a proper Zelda movie could be a money spinner. Based off the SNES version of course.
If I'm not mistaken the only SNES Zelda was II, which had no plot really. Do you mean Link's Awakening? That would be extremely hard. I'm plotting out an Ocarina of Time adaptation and that's hard enough.

Link's Awakening was the Gameboy... SNES version was A Link To The Past... basically a 'rescue the princess' story...

Link's Awakening was the Gameboy... SNES version was A Link To The Past... basically a 'rescue the princess' story...
...damn that's the one I meant to type

But like I said, extremely hard, considering the whole "other world" back and forth

Would still be awesome to see A Link To The Past on screen though.
Best game ever made.

I've got the Gameboy version here now, and my last saved game is locked... I reached the last level and managed to throw a ball type that knocks down certain walls and get it stuck inside a wall 'graphically' so I can't proceed in the level lol!

All I can do is restart the entire game from scratch because I didn't use other save points.

Zelda rocks.The N64 versions and other versions like Wii etc are pants though. SNES and original Gameboy are the best.

SNES Mario Kart is the best as well. The rest are just poop.