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Movies that were a waste of time and film


^I think it's better in French! which I don't speak...

I bought the movie cheap and watched it last year. One of my main problems was that you never got to know the characters, they kept switching from one to another, so I didn't care about them at all. Also a guy was kicked out of the school, and I swore I saw him later, back at the school, with no explanation for the viewer

I'm not a hero; I'm a liar.
I did not like the audition. It was not what everyone made it out to be. To me, it was a big snore fest.

Cowboys Vs Aliens -_-'
A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
- The Silence of the Lambs

^ I thought Cowboys Vs Aliens was a fun film. Certainly a break from the norm...
The concept yes but, poorly made IMHO, a break from the norm yes, but also at the same time, did'nt get the same social buzz i was expecting from it.

Back to the Future III

"This could be complicated. You know on the first one I crashed and burned." - Maverick

^ I thought Cowboys Vs Aliens was a fun film. Certainly a break from the norm...
Same here, fun film and one I enjoyed a lot and certainly not poorly made.

Cowboys vs. Aliens was pretty poorly made. The combination of the two elements was a "break from the norm" on the surface but it wasn't explored whatsoever besides redneck reactionary humor, and the script was just awful at making anything seem important. The concept was all Favreau cared about, yet he couldn't even make it interesting. It's pretty incredible how anyone could drop the ball on a movie like this.

Oh well, I found it interesting and thought it explored it fine and dandy. Some beautifully shot sequences too. Prefered it to his other film Iron Man actually.

^I think it's better in French! which I don't speak...
The Danes have a wicked sense of humour...

Chappie doesn't like the real world
^I think it's better in French! which I don't speak...

I bought the movie cheap and watched it last year. One of my main problems was that you never got to know the characters, they kept switching from one to another, so I didn't care about them at all. Also a guy was kicked out of the school, and I swore I saw him later, back at the school, with no explanation for the viewer
I saw Fame because I'm a sucker for movies about the performing arts, even if they are usually horrible. Fame is about as bad as a movie can get. Storylines were dropped mid -movie and never brought up again; I wasn't even sure who some characters were.
Even the singing and dancing were pretty sub-par. Horrible movie

Hangover 2. I walked out of it.

"This could be complicated. You know on the first one I crashed and burned." - Maverick
steel buildings

The Rocky movies after the first two.

Hangover 2. I walked out of it.
what? it was like Hangover but with a real storyline!

did You wait for the Oriental man to re enter, or leave before he did. if You left before him that's probably why You didn't like, he carried this one.