Deadite's 50 Cool Movies for Cool People

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Very cool list going on here, Deadite. I was very pleased and surprised to see Fright Night made it. In the days when you couldn't go into YouTube and instantly find a trailer for an upcoming movie, I went into this fairly ignorant of what joys it would hold.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

46. Eve's Bayou

Lush and lyrical, Eve's Bayou is a mesmerizing slice of life set in 1960s Louisiana, following 10 year old Eve Batiste (played by an adorable Jurnee Smollett) and her affluent southern family. Her father, Louis (Sam Jackson), is the town doctor, an idolized and conceited adulterer... and maybe something much worse.

EB casts a spell right away with its opening narration and delves frequently into the mystical, yet remains ambiguous enough to allow a skeptical interpretation of its events. Even so, it's a haunting and lovely film that rewards repeated viewings. There are scenes that still give me goosebumps now, such as Aunt Mozelle's story of the death of one of her husbands, and the way the film plays with time is very cool.

The trailer doesn't do it justice, and I strongly suggest knowing as little as possible before watching, anyway. It's currently available on NetFlix Instant Streaming, so for those who have that, it's well worth a look.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

45. Blade

I actually enjoyed the entire trilogy, even the admittedly subpar third film, but I wanted to focus on the original Blade and highlight what a unique and awesome superhero/horror mashup it really is.

First of all, Snipes was perfect for the role and he exudes badass presence from start to finish. He was physically great as Blade but more importantly, he sold the character with emotion and touches of humor that made Blade a very compelling action hero. The film itself has cool effects, is visually stylish and energetic, and Stephen Dorff nailed it as a bratty and cruel vamp god wanna-be!

In the ranks of superhero movies, Blade is too often overlooked as a unique hybrid superhero/horror film. Its slick cinematography and pumping soundtrack, solid cast, dramatic storyline and excellent action scenes all combine to make it a highly entertaining ride.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I've only seen the original Blade, but I thought it was pretty awesome. It's definitely Snipes' best role to date (excluding Demolition Man).
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
48. Akira

Simply put, it's one of the coolest animated films of all time.
Just watched Akira for the first time not that long ago and really loved it, I have never been into anime but this inspired me to give some of the others a chance, so that's really high praise. Really loving this list and the reviews, great job.

Blades are my guilty pleasure. That said, I found Blade 2 to be vastly superior to Blade, not only because of Del Toro's dark style and comic humour but also well choreographed fight scenes.

44. Persona

I don't know what I could say about Persona that hasn't been said many times before, and better. It's a film that seems to simultaneously demand and defy analysis. Visually stunning and casually shocking, its deceptively simple plot seems tapped into a kind of Jungian collective unconscious more than any film I've ever seen.

After my first viewing, I sat overwhelmed with mixed feelings. I knew I had witnessed something profound, as profound as movies can be, but I had no answers to the questions running through my mind. Persona may be considered intellectual but for me its greatest impact was purely visceral.

I could write pages on what Persona means to me, how it seems to use film as a metaphor for existence, both deconstructing itself as it goes and sublimely interweaving its identities, both reflecting and negating viewer expectations. It is a chilling psychological tour de force.

Deadite, still going gangbusters on the Cool list. Eve's Bayou is an awesome, moody, tragic film and very worthy of inclusion on your Cool Movie lineup.

Love the Blade films, also. When I first saw the original, I knew I was in for something special when Traci Lords took that guy to the club and what came out of the sprinkler system. Wild stuff!

43. In Bruges

A crime-dramedy, amiable farce, thriller with dark humor in spades, IB could easily be misunderstood and dismissed as a wanna-be Tarantino or Ritchie clone but it has something they often lack: genuine humanity.

In Bruges doesn't sneer at its characters; rather, it displays great affection for them and allows them to be noble, pathetic, blundering and crafty to their fullest without overriding emotional nuance with heavy-handed stylish excess or confining their antics to cartoonish mayhem. It walks a very fine line between tragedy and comedy throughout to give us likeable imperfect characters that don't exist merely for the sake of story but who are the real story, their personalities & idiosyncrasies serving as the driving force and heart of a surprisingly expansive tale that is bittersweetly touching, drolly amusing, exciting and charming. The lovely setting is very much a character itself and the plot is consistently surprising yet cohesive in an uncontrived way.

In Bruges is a very cool movie. Brendan Gleeson is always great and this was the most impressed I've been with Colin Farrell. Great use of a midget too. I haven't seen your previous 3 picks.

Still haven't seen Persona, I really want to see it now though. And nice write-up on In Bruges, I love that movie and I think you summed it up very well.
TOP 100 | "Don't let the bastards grind you down!"

When I first saw the original, I knew I was in for something special when Traci Lords took that guy to the club and what came out of the sprinkler system. Wild stuff!
No, that was the special thing. It's crap after that. I think I turned it off with about 10-15 minutes to go and I didn't even care.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Persona is an infinitely fascinating onion. There's always another layer to peel away
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I've written a lot about Persona around here, and I like it well enough, but aren't some of the layers meant to keep you away from parts of the movie?
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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I've written a lot about Persona around here, and I like it well enough, but aren't some of the layers meant to keep you away from parts of the movie?
How so?