46. Eve's Bayou
Lush and lyrical, Eve's Bayou is a mesmerizing slice of life set in 1960s Louisiana, following 10 year old Eve Batiste (played by an adorable Jurnee Smollett) and her affluent southern family. Her father, Louis (Sam Jackson), is the town doctor, an idolized and conceited adulterer... and maybe something much worse.
EB casts a spell right away with its opening narration and delves frequently into the mystical, yet remains ambiguous enough to allow a skeptical interpretation of its events. Even so, it's a haunting and lovely film that rewards repeated viewings. There are scenes that still give me goosebumps now, such as Aunt Mozelle's story of the death of one of her husbands, and the way the film plays with time is very cool.
The trailer doesn't do it justice, and I strongly suggest knowing as little as possible before watching, anyway. It's currently available on NetFlix Instant Streaming, so for those who have that, it's well worth a look.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!