Things that happened to me today.
1.Pigsnie took me to a pachinco parlor--this is like a noisy pinball arcade-- and I won thousands of silvery balls that Pigsnie traded for 5 bags of dried squid & 20 key chains!!

Hummmmm, weird.
2.Vending MACHINES! So many, theyre everywhere! Some sell bags of rice, some sell fresh flowers & then some sell schoolgirls used underwear!! at least that is what Pigsnie said the machine is for. (There was a picture of a girl high school student on the front.) And these things are like right on the sidewalk whre everyone can see what your buying!! I got a can of CALPIS to bring home, thats another soda, hahaha.
3.We are now ina ryokan, that is a traditional Japanese inn. We sleep on the floor in futons & we have to use slippers indoors all the time. No TV, bleeech except in public room & its tiny! there are no real dogs & cats in japan except for this poodle I saw 2 days ago.
4.We went to a fertility shrine & right next door is a SEX museum! Pigsnie says there are lots of these places all over Japan. Our guide wore gloves & looks like a stewardes. Too bad it was mostly boring & very huge willys. and when they actually showed kinda really graphic paintings, the musuem owners pasted little cotton balls over the nasty areas. :bawl: they also showed a giraffe having sex with a geisha but Pigsnie wouldnt buy me the postcard so I will have to draw it for you, heehee hee.
5. Bullet trains swooooosssshhhhh!!!!!! Why dont we have this in the UK? I only see this in france & the japanese ones are much nicer & the food is better. I got a really good tempura lunch & a custard.