Dumb and Dumber sequel


It's actually happening!


I can't see it being better than the first, nor do I think it will have the same cult classic feel (and in all likelihood once it's released some will even say "it shouldn't have been made"), I'm still looking forward to it. Simply because the original was one of the movies that made me love movies.

One thing for sure, they'll both bring their A Game.

Look forward to it as well tbh. It may end up a load of crap but here's hoping it'll be just as funny as the original.

Podcasting Movie Nerd
Honestly, I don't see this sucking. Putting the two of them together has to result in comic genius.

Let's just hope it's not as bad as Dumb and Dumberer.
Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.

Finished here. It's been fun.
I don't really care personally, but I have a gut feeling it's going to end up pretty awful.

I never really cared about the original film or its absolutely dreadful prequel so it just smacks of Carrey and Daniels wanting to get back on the big screen again at whatever price. Daniels just won an Emmy for the HBO series THE NEWSROOM, so it's not like he's not working.

but now you have my attention
Loved the first took so many quotes from that film. As long as they (Lloyd and Harry) can still bounce off each other the film should be good.
"Don't just stare at it, Eat it!"

"Did you Pay the Gas bill?"

I enjoyed the first one a lot, I don't see the sequel surpassing it but I am definitely looking forward to this one. Also Carrey has been pushing for this so I bet he brings his A game

Dat zamboni though....
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

Jeff Daniels apparently has said that they're going to do some things in the sequel that will make the toilet scene in the original seem lame. I can't wait.

Oh and they shouldn't forget to include Mmm Mmm Mmm by Crash Test Dummies in the soundtrack. It's probably my favorite song from the original. And there should be a Turbolax cameo.

I watched Dumb and Dumber not too long ago for the first time in years and thought the toilet scene WAS LAME.

But it wasn't lame when I first saw it as a kid. I remember thinking it was really funny then.

I guess toilet jokes have lost their appeal these days. I'm always weary of comedy sequels years after the success of the first one (I'm looking at you, Anchorman), but as long as they don't force anything, it should be pretty funny. They also can't forget that the original actually had a lot of heart in between the funny. This isn't Jackass "before it was cool."

Epic is a fad. Out of this world can be just being yourself.
I am absolutely stoked about this! Will it be as excellent as the first, probably not because it be too hard to top. But you really can't go wrong with these two and it's the same producers from the original. (not prequel that blew) I haven't been this excited about a sequel ever, as this is my favorite comedy of all times.

I can't wait to see it, either. It's supposed to come out on my birthday.

Which means I can wait 'cause I don't want it to be my birthday again already....

On the outside looking in.
Does this movie need a sequel?
"Yes, citizen, there is no cause for alarm -- you may return to your harpsichord."