The MoFo Musicals Countdown - Preliminary Thread

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Allaby's Avatar
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My current rough draft has seven animated movies on it.
There are an additional eight animated films that I rated a 9/10 that did not make my ballot.

That was tough! But I did it. I submitted my ballot. I have films from every decade starting at the 1930s up to the 2020s. I think I will have a 1 pointer this countdown as well.

Isn't a little early to submit your ballot? I understand why you would want to get your list ready to submit, but I thought you were participating in the Group Watch thread. You could miss out on a new favorite. Are you giving up on watching musicals already?
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Allaby's Avatar
Registered User
Isn't a little early to submit your ballot? I understand why you would want to get your list ready to submit, but I thought you were participating in the Group Watch thread. You could miss out on a new favorite. Are you giving up on watching musicals already?
No, I'm not giving up on watching musicals, but it is unlikely that any other musicals are going to make my ballot. There are 40 musicals that I rated a 9/10 that did not make my ballot, so I figured I might as well submit my ballot now since it is unlikely to change.

The Baby Shark Movie is an intellectual, critically acclaimed masterpiece for sophisticated adult audiences. You should check it out and it will change your life.
Oh my! Sharks are cool as long as they are on TV and not in the water with me.

There's a Baby Shark movie?! I can barely stand hearing the song. I can't imagine sitting through a whole movie of this.

Allaby's Avatar
Registered User
There's a Baby Shark movie?! I can barely stand hearing the song. I can't imagine sitting through a whole movie of this.

Yes, Baby Shark's Big Movie (2023). And I did actually watch it. I should probably pretend that I was forced to watch it, but I watched it voluntarily. It was actually pretty good though. It's cute and colourful and the songs were catchy. I rated it a 7/10.

No, I'm not giving up on watching musicals, but it is unlikely that any other musicals are going to make my ballot. There are 40 musicals that I rated a 9/10 that did not make my ballot, so I figured I might as well submit my ballot now since it is unlikely to change.

Whatever works for you is okay, and I'm glad that you're still going to be watching musicals, but I'll never understand why people rush to submit their ballot so quickly. It just seems like you're not even leaving open the possibility of finding any new favorite movies.

I signed up for DisneyPlus.

Anybody got any suggestions for musicals that are available there?

You've probably seen most of the Disney musicals already, but maybe you missed the Winnie the Pooh movies?

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)
Winnie the Pooh (2011)

I haven't seen them in a long time, but I remember them being cute movies.
There are probably more than just these two, but you can start with these and look for more if you like these.

I just sent in my controversial top 25. See you in September!
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Gonna watch some Jacques Demy for this. Maybe we'll get to see The Young Girls of Rochefort in an official list instead of a custom this time, but I'm gonna watch that AFTER Umbrellas.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Just about one month left: The deadline for submissions will be Tuesday 17th September.

Still need a musical or two to round out your ballot? Here's one that has funky cool rock type music in it, it's damn funny and very creative and under 1 hour to watch. It's composed of six short stories that are episodic. It's a blast...Give it a try

Here's the first segment under 10 minutes on YouTube and this is the official channel of the film's director Cory McAbee.

If you like what you see give a shout out and I'll PM you the full link.

Just about one month left: The deadline for submissions will be Tuesday 17th September.

Still need a musical or two to round out your ballot? Here's one that has funky cool rock type music in it, it's damn funny and very creative and under 1 hour to watch. It's composed of six short stories that are episodic. It's a blast...Give it a try

Here's the first segment under 10 minutes on YouTube and this is the official channel of the film's director Cory McAbee.

If you like what you see give a shout out and I'll PM you the full link.
I second this. Amazing movie and will be really high on my ballot. I would be thrilled if it sneaks onto the countdown.