The MoFo Top 100 Musicals Countdown

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I really liked Moana and wanted to include it on my ballot, but couldn't make room. I like the animation, the characters, and the songs. A Star is Born is very good too and has wonderful performances, but again I did not have sufficient room on my ballot

Seen: 33/34

I forgot the opening line.
68. Moana (2016) - This one stuck in my memory for a couple of reasons. First, the animation was extraordinarily pretty to look at and at times down right awe-inspiring. Second, the songs were as catchy as the most infectious pop tunes imaginable. Pretty good, and a really nice surprise for me. As much as I liked it, it couldn't push out any of my worthy contenders on a Top 25 ballot - but it was one I stopped and really thought about. It deserves a place on this Top 100 list - that's for sure. It'd be on my Top 100.

67. A Star is Born (1954) - This is probably the best Star is Born, although I get a funny feeling that one or two of the other versions are going to appear further up - most probably that Lady Gaga 2018 version. It feels like that was released yesterday! Time flies. I'm not so sure about the '76 version, although that was okay I think. ("Not bad. Not great," I said on Letterboxd.) Judy Garland had already been through a lot by the time she appeared in this. Couldn't quite do enough for me to make my ballot.

Seen 23/34
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Double Down (2005)

Loved Moana and even have it on Blu-Ray. But my attraction to it is not as much for the music as it is the beautiful animation. It's nice to see it made it.

A Star is Born is a great movie and Judy Garland and James Mason are fantastic in it. Judy is indeed a star in this, but I included films with her that I watch more often and consider them more favorite that aSiB. Maybe not better films but films I look more forward to if they aire. So, neither film on my list but good to see them.

So far:
#1. On the Town #93 (list proper)
#6. Easter Parade #78 (list proper)
#10. Gigi #85 (list proper)
#12. Calamity Jane #84 (list proper)
#14. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers #71 (list proper)
#25. Neptune's Daughter (one-pointer).
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Trouble with a capital "T"
....Two things about Seven Brides for Seven Brothers:

1) The man who directed it had five wives! FIVE!...
There's no need to shame people for their life style choices. Who knows maybe the poor man married five nut case women

Two things about Seven Brides for Seven Brothers:

1) The man who directed it had five wives! FIVE!.
You would be unhappy and miserable with five loving and masculine husbands?