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The 13TH Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
You know I expected to hate Buffalo 66, after I read the mini synopsis on IMDB:

After being released from prison, Billy is set to visit his parents with his wife, whom he does not actually have. This provokes Billy to act out, as he kidnaps a girl and forces her to act as his wife for the visit.
As soon as I realized it was a dark comedy, then the personality of what would have been a creepy ex con kidnapping a girl...became enjoyable for me, as I didn't take what I was seeing seriously.

I did feel bad for the kidnapped girl, but only for a few minutes. Then her nonchalant reaction to Galo made it seem OK to me that she was kidnapped, she didn't seem to care either so I didn't respond like it was a real kidnapping.

If she had played the role as a traumatized victim, then I might have felt differently about the movie. But she actually liked Galo, and in the end she was just as messed up as he was. So my positive response to Galo's character was in part do to Christina Ricci reacting positively towards Galo.

Anyway that's the only explanation I have for really liking this film, which I had expected not to like.

I thought it was a fresh & unique indie film, with an unlikable (but very human) protagonist. Come to think of it, it was Galo's very realistic qualities that I liked the most.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I enjoyed Ricci's acting the first time and this time. She was an excellent counter-balance to Gallo.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Here's my list, I enjoyed 13 out of the 14 films I watched which is quite a fantastic ratio.

01. Dead Poet's Society (14)
02. Captain Fantastic (13)
03. Dances with Wolves (12)
04. Forbidden Games (11) (very surprising it's this high considering I hated it the first time I watched it)
05. The Broken Circle Breakdown (10)
06. Manchester By The Sea (9)
07. The Marriage of Maria Braun (8)
08. Wings of Desire (7)
09. The Great Dictator (6)
10. The Quiet Earth (5)
11. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...And Spring (4)
12. The Three Musketeers (3)
13. Nightmare Alley (2)
14. Buffalo '66 (1)
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
04. Forbidden Games (11) (very surprising it's this high considering I hated it the first time I watched it)
I EDIT: (I mean WAS not wasn't) VERY surprised by how much I enjoyed this one as well. Caught me pleasantly by surprise

Neat HoF indeed ! It was a bit dissapointing to see the film I placed at #1 ranked so poorly in the overall standings. But hey, this was a collective film watching after all and it was to be expected that the opinions on nominations would be quite diverse. Either way I got a chance to see a couple of films that I wouldn't normally give a chance to and meanwhile I discovered a few favourites. That's pretty much what I hoped this tournament would achieve for me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Three Musketeers.
You're in good company MarkF is fond of that movie.

The way I like to look at the Hofs is like a beauty contest. No matter how beautiful a girl is in a beauty contest, they all can't win! and somebody has to score lowest.

You're in good company MarkF is fond of that movie.

The way I like to look at the Hofs is like a beauty contest. No matter how beautiful a girl is in a beauty contest, they all can't win! and somebody has to score lowest.
Haha, that's a nice analogy.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
You're in good company MarkF is fond of that movie.

The way I like to look at the Hofs is like a beauty contest. No matter how beautiful a girl is in a beauty contest, they all can't win! and somebody has to score lowest.
I like that - very lovely thought

and THANK YOU Jeff for putting Three Musketeers at #1. No matter where I place, even at the bottom or d@mn near if someone enjoys it, that will do just fine

Legend in my own mind
This was me

01. Dances with Wolves (14)
02. Dead Poets Society (13)
03. Manchester by the Sea (12)
04. The Broken Circle Breakdown (11)
05. Buffalo 66 (10)
06. Captain Fantastic (9)
07. The Great Dictator (8)
08. The Marriage of Maria Braun (7)
09. Forbidden Games (6)
10. Nightmare Alley (5)
11. Wings of Desire (4)
12. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring (3)
13. The Three Musketeers (2)
14. Quiet Earth (1)
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I know I am coming in late with this (I am a little slow with catching up with everything at the moment), but this was my list:

1. Dead Poets Society
2. The Great Dictator
3. Dances With Wolves
4. Buffalo '66
5. Manchester By the Sea

6. The Hunt
7. Captain Fantastic
8. The Marriage of Maria Braun
9. The Broken Circle Breakdown
10. The Three Musketeers
11. Wings of Desire
12. Nightmare Alley
13. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
14. Forbidden Games
15. The Quiet Earth

16. Flesh and Blood

It is a shame that The Hunt was disqualified because I really liked that one. And I couldn't care less that Flesh and Blood was, but it cost me money to watch it. So that is what upsets me the most about having wasted the time watching it.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
So, just writing this to say i'm sorry to everyone involved in this, especially @Miss Vicky who finished this. I should hv said smthing when I disappeared and I didn't.
I read that Camo went away, I'm sorry about that, he was a great poster.

Don't worry, I won't join a HoF soon, till I'm not 100% sure I can do it...
And congrats to Dances with Wolves and Miss Vicky, great movie!

So, just writing this to say i'm sorry to everyone involved in this, especially @Miss Vicky who finished this. I should hv said smthing when I disappeared and I didn't.
I read that Camo went away, I'm sorry about that, he was a great poster.

Don't worry, I won't join a HoF soon, till I'm not 100% sure I can do it...
And congrats to Dances with Wolves and Miss Vicky, great movie!
I'm here dawg . Glad to see you back. That's the first you haven't finished out of 20 or something so i don't think anyone is sore about it.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
I'm here dawg . Glad to see you back. That's the first you haven't finished out of 20 or something so i don't think anyone is sore about it.
Then I'm sorry to you too!

Thanks dude, glad you're back too!

Glad to see you back. I wasn't angry about you not finishing, more disappointed that I had to disqualify The Hunt and concerned about you.