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Is the 3D worth it?


as well all know, we are in a big reemergence of 3d films and we can't always be spending $15 plus on tickets. In this thread we can post about the latest 3d movie we have seen and whether or not the 3d effects are worth the price. Many films are quickly converted in 3d just to make extra money and the consumer feels cheated.

I recently saw Toy Story 3 in 3d and it was not all too necessary, it would have been in fine with regular price
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

Nope. At best, it doesn't hurt the film much -- ala Avatar or Toy Story 3. At worst, it washes the colors out and distracts from what's happening. I'm stunned that it's become even moderately popular, to be honest. I don't get it.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I predict the expensive 3D process is here to stay. But the cheap-jack method to convert a movie after it was finished without it will quickly go the way of the 3D movies of the 1950s.

If it is REAL 3D movie - then yes, it is worth it. The situation is that Hollywood is lazy do many movies like "Clash of the titans" and "Alice in Wonderland" only have the sub-titles as 3D (almost) - and that basically kills the whole idea that they use 3D as a marketing ploy instead of actually making 3D movies.

Unfortunately I think Will.15 and Mark F is right on the money. This all has to do with the almighty dollar and 3-D is bringing in a ton of it with ticket prices.

Everyone on here's hating on 3D so I'll go the other way for argument's sake. The movies have been more or less stagnant since the first Toy Story introduced us to complete computer animation. 3-D is an old medium, and was never really more than a schtick for money and promotional purposes, but I think it's a creative alternative in the medium. If it's used correctly, (A Christmas Carol is the only movie that comes to mind), I think it has some aesthetic merit.

But as it stands right now, there is almost nothing I hate more than a 3-D movie. There have been literally no good ones since their resurgence a couple years ago. My girlfriend just made me buy us 3-D tickets to The Last Airbender, and that sucked enough without the annoying glasses.
"I want a film I watch to express either the joy of making cinema or the anguish of making cinema" -Francois Truffaut

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Im really against this 3D fad rubbish, most films have no buisness being made in 3D.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

I don't like the whole 3-D stuff. It's just not how I want to watch movies. Why not put it to a use that would actually be say the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland?
But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet, Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. W.B. Yeats

I don't enjoy 3-D at the movies, most of the time it just distracts and is awkward with wearing the glasses. A good movie shouldn't have to rely on gimmick to make it interesting. Frankly, they should make really boring things in 3-D to make them interesting like infomercials.

I agree for the most part that 3d is kinda pointless but some films from what I hear do benefit from 3-d like I heard some of the effect in How to Train your Dragon were amazing and they really utilized 3d in a unique and creative way. I was kinda hoping this thread to be people sharing their experiences with specific 3d films and letting us know what movies that are out now (if any) are worth the extra money. Not trying to halt the discussions but we already have a few 3d bashing threads.

I agree for the most part that 3d is kinda pointless but some films from what I hear do benefit from 3-d like I heard some of the effect in How to Train your Dragon were amazing and they really utilized 3d in a unique and creative way. I was kinda hoping this thread to be people sharing their experiences with specific 3d films and letting us know what movies that are out now (if any) are worth the extra money. Not trying to halt the discussions but we already have a few 3d bashing threads.
We don't have enough, mate. 3D is on the rise and the only hope we have of it dying down is to bash it continuously. But if you really want to know my experiences with 3D films, i will be happy to tell you.

Went to watch The Final Destination last year, film itself was alrightish as far as mindless entertainment goes, but the 3D effect was bullcrap. It distracted from the film, it did nothing to heighten the suspense or aesthetics of the film, and only took away from the experience as it was too distracting. It was my first ever time watching a 3D film and I HATED it. I knew I was in trouble when even the Avatar 3D trailer was unimpressive to me. The colours were dodgy, the screen actually somehow got SMALLER as a result of the glasses being put on and the photography was darker than it seemed intended.

Recently had to see Streetdance 3D too (don't ask). Surprisingly, I didn't hate it, but again the 3D gimmick was more than unnecessary. The thing is, dude, having images "pop out" at you does absolutely nothing to enhance a narrative and isn't even as aesthetically pleasing advertisers would have you believe, at least not to me and most cinelovers. 3D is being bashed for a reason, it isn't a case of us jumping on the bandwagon in order to be lemmings..we are just acknowleging the fact that the magic of cinema is being compromised because producers want more benjamins.

I saw large format filmmaking is the way to go if they really wanna give people a truly immersive experience and make plenty of money. It may be more expensive but in the long run that'll pay off. Its a no brainer for me.

The only movie that benefits from 3-D is Avatar. Other than that live action movies should never be in 3D whatsoever. They are simply done as cash-ins. 3-D was done originally as a added attraction in the 50's and 60's making movies fun. Then in the 80's, it was back and it was kinda cool.'s just plain ridiculous. James Cameron did it a step further in Avatar advancing the technology. Converting 2-D into 3-D like people are doing for like almost every film that comes out these days, just doesn't cut it. Cartoons even don't need the treatment. Resident Evil: Afterlife is supposed to be using the same exact technology Cameron used so I'll maybe give that a look see. Other than that, people should just stick to regular 2-D and leave the technology to those who know how to use it. The only movie that I'm really looking forward to seeing in 3-D in the future (and I've said it alot) is Tron: Legacy.

During the trailers for The Last Airbender yesterday, and after the fourth (or something) in a row to conclude with " 3D!," someone on the other side of the theater said, in a completely despondent and mournful voice, "Why does everything have to be in 3D?"

Summed my feelings up pretty well.

planet news's Avatar
Registered User
I saw large format filmmaking is the way to go if they really wanna give people a truly immersive experience and make plenty of money.
I know you're all about "immersive" experiences, but this is not what film is about. This is what roller coasters and theme parks are about. The art of film is specifically in what is chosen to go inside the frame. 3D is a vulgar perversion of the frame. The frame is not a bad substitute for our eyes. It is not meant to be our vision. That's IMAX. The frame is everything. Film is a photographic medium based on the manipulation of time. Sculpting in time, as Andrei Tarkovsky put it. It's not a mask; it's a sculpture. A sculpture within a frame. This is why videogames are not an art. There's art in videogames, but the medium is an "immersive" one. Film is meant to be maintained at a distance, to be viewed as a progressing sculpture in time in a frame. This is the film and film as such.

Mostly, I hate having to put glasses on over my glasses. Wearing two pairs of glasses just seems silly to me

In all honesty, 3D always seems like an afterthought to me, even in movies that are marketed heavily as 3D "experiences" (Avatar comes to mind). Maybe it's because there's not really any film grammar for 3D. Doesn't seem like anyone is using the medium to really say anything interesting. Right now, it just seems like a way to sell movie tickets. Plus, they make you buy the glasses, and even if you take the glasses home, you have to buy them again the next time. What's up with that?

At least we haven't yet been subjected to classic films being turned into 3D (tertiary dimensionized?). Could you imagine Casablanca or The Godfather in jaw dropping 3D? I can and it scares me.

I'm skeptical that 3D will be more than a passing fad. I'd like to be surprised by an amazing 3D movie that will blow me out of the water, but I don't think it will happen. I think Avatar was supposed to be that movie, and I wasn't too impressed. Maybe I'm just stuck in my ways at the ripe old age of 24 though. Honestly, I'd prefer more movies to be in black and white, but I've heard this whole color thing has really caught on.